Recent content by Crapstain

  1. C

    The web= H8ers

    I'm not spitz. I have no way to prove I'm not, but I'm not. I can tell you I don't wear glasses, I can only play air-guitar, I'm 5-10, and I can't imagine wearing a watch that costs more than my car.
  2. C

    The web= H8ers

    No I ain't. Just someone waiting years to hear him play again.
  3. C

    The web= H8ers

    It doesn't matter what Anthrax does, the H8ers will post on the web. In fact, as long as there's a chat room, there will be H8ers. To prove it, I went to a chat room to see what people were writing about the big iceberg floating around in Antarctica. I just wanted to learn more about it...
  4. C

    Headbangers Ball 4-2-05

    On HBB... For all the fans out there. Pretty important information given out about this reunion tour....bring your broken rolex's.
  5. C

    Headbangers Ball 4-2-05

  6. C

    Headbangers Ball 4-2-05

    Commercials instead of the aforementioned indians video. Nice work.
  7. C

    Headbangers Ball 4-2-05

    HBB sucks ass. Ihaven't watched it in a looong time. Thraxmans right..too many commercials...and whats with the Best of Brandy commercial? Nice audience targeting.
  8. C

    Headbangers Ball 4-2-05

    My cable box just died-right in the middle of caught in a mosh...dammit
  9. C

    Exploiting Dime´s death??!!!

    This reunion thing was in effect before Dime's murder. I can't check back to the date of my first-ever post, but thats when I got the news (in December)
  10. C

    Play More US Dates!

    Hopefully, they play more dates in the US. You know all you H8-ers will be there. You're all just trying to be smart and sarcastic....(see these dots)....The shows will rock. You know you'll all be there...moshin.
  11. C

    Worst Press Release Ever

    Ha..I'm not Spitz. Really.
  12. C

    Worst Press Release Ever

    All of a sudden......everyone's just a bunch of H8-ers!
  13. C

    Worst Press Release Ever

    When did everyone become a moron? It's just a band....a bunch of dudes who play instruments. ..Do you like the music? Then shut the fuck up.
  14. C

    a night with anthrax...the movie

    Looks like it was taped in 2002. Kinda funny. It was just a typical night of drinks like I've had every weekend for the past 18 years........................ Wait a minute........... I need a life.
  15. C

    Rim Jobs

    Great advice about the showering...friggin Einstein. Anyone do ass to mouth with a chick you love? Unreal. Totally opposite about everything we've learned about modern-day sanitation.