Headbangers Ball 4-2-05

coldshovel said:
I dont consider Lamb of god or shadows fall nu metal. I love them both.

That's cool....I don't even know what the labels are these days. I couldn't tell you what "nu metal" is. I was just hoping that everyone here wasn't in the mindset of "Anthrax or nothing"...and don't get me wrong, I love Anthrax, past and present.
On HBB... For all the fans out there. Pretty important information given out about this reunion tour....bring your broken rolex's.
god i hate mtv.....and dan spitz scares me...he looks goofy, and keeps flashing gang signs or something...oh well..i DO feel better about this, but we shall see how it SOUNDS
why do all the new tharsh metal bands dry lung. It's cool for some bands but why are ALL of the new schoolers doing it? the growley voice is cool to you know.
i could't watch, not just because of all the fucking ads, and the print in the middle of the fucking screen during caught in a mosh, but it was too painful to watch. i started weeping because i'm a chick and the boys have been a big part of my life.... felt like i was back in high school when i heard they kicked joey outta the band. i just thought the boys were better than this.... obviously, they don't give a shit what the fans think cause they can do what ever the fuck they want...ITS THEIR BAND. but i feel betrayed and i thought i had outgrown this kinda shit. just very disappointing. i hope john and his family are doing well, he will be missed.

they sure looked happy together on air, didn't they? could everyone watching feel the love? wow :err:
They just played the old school Anthrax videos. During Indians I always get chills up and down my spine when they scream WAR DANCE and Joey jumps down with his headress then it really starts jammin.

LouieFatterson said:
How hilarious is it that they're playing the Behemoth video that steals the Be All End All riff.

I started a thread about that approximately a month ago. That's actually Cristina Ricci singing. As far as HBB goes the first hour was the best one I've seen in four months. That's as good as it gets! Commercials every two songs or announcing a video, then a commercial. To each their own but then Crowbar, SYL? Horrible!! Needed bloodsimple and Amon Amarth in there.
Dracon55 said:
Do you guys like ANY new metal? There are some relatively new metal bands out there (like Shadows Fall and Lamb of God) that are taking metal to a new level.....and I agree about the friggin commericals on HBB - it wasn't like this when they brought the show back.

lamb of god, shadow's fall isn't nu metal but more so boring newer versions of pantera rock=zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. oh by the way, there is tons of great new metal and very little of it is coming from America. People have to look beyond our borders sometimes. there is alot of excellent metal of all metal genres out there that still isn't getting on HBB thanks to idiotic nu metal, metalcore, and this laughable new wave of american metal. :ill: