Recent content by CrazyGuitarJason

  1. C

    Lotto Numbers, modular math..its metal by numbers.

    So I hit my head in the bathroom while hanging a clock, but instead of creating a flux capacitor like Dr. Brown in Back To The Future I came up with this. The end product will be a series of notes that are random using of the circle of tones. After it is created, I will try to make sense of the...
  2. C

    Circle of 12 Tones Game/Competition

    That sounds great! I know exactly what you mean when you talk about falling into a rut. Use the charts that Ron shows us at The Circle Of 12 Tones You could try to play 4 in a row then switch to pairs across. You could even get nutty and print out a clock, and throw darts at it then play what...
  3. C

    how to create a circle of 12 tones? sry im beginner

    D'oh. What could I do to help clear it up? I can work out a full example later on tonight or tomorrow. Keep cranking it out, I've learned a lot from making mistakes taking a step back and going 'what was i doing?' and then trying to start over. Tri Tri again! hehe For example, the 12 tone...
  4. C

    Circle of 12 Tones Game/Competition

    Sounds cool. I'm in, but I can't play guitar at full strength right now. So you'll have to accept something that is programmed and piped through a synth. I'll see what I can do :)
  5. C

    how to create a circle of 12 tones? sry im beginner

    ^^^ Yes, this has been a great thread! Sweet :) Thanks Ron! This helps me to distinguish the difference between a tone row and creating a circle of 12 tones. I did read the original Circle of 12 Tones page a few times. But I do not know why I kept trying to take the 4 forms of a tone row...
  6. C

    how to create a circle of 12 tones? sry im beginner

    So I think I got the hold of this tone row approach, here's what I have learned. Lets start with a 12 tone scale (i'm using A# instead of Bb just for now). C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8...
  7. C

    Which album do you like best?

    I prefer SSOTC, mainly because Dee Fore is the best drummer evar. According to interviews and internet reports, Dee Fore is bound to suffer the same fate as Peter "James" Bond. :goggly: Seriously, SSOTC is an excellent. Being a music dork I like the conceptual ideas and hearing them implemented.
  8. C

    Cynic/Aghora fans?

    If you happen to be a Cynic fan your in luck. They are planning to release a new album next year, and Aghora also has a new album. I have Cynic's Focus album and love it. edit : Here's the source, sorry. My initial reaction was my jaw dropping then trying to scrounge for more info. I should...
  9. C

    how to create a circle of 12 tones? sry im beginner

    Ron has a page describing the circle of 12 tones here : The Circle Of 12 Tones It works like a tone row then you can pick any sequence of 12 notes and build your structure. In this case the structure happens to be a clock. Here's an example, based upon tone row theory. The prime order...