Recent content by crillemannen

  1. crillemannen

    Thoughts on Soilwork's new "Death Resonance"

    Bergstrand... really!!??? I think his mixes always sound weird. I don't like that he's doing kind of an phasey thing with the drums. Yuck!
  2. crillemannen

    Roll call

    I still check this forum but its kind of dead. I Have made allot of connections here and chat with some of the old timers on FB from time to time.
  3. crillemannen

    New Machine Head song

    Yeah that was pretty gay. More the lyrics then the actual song. See it from MM perspective they've done many albums in the chugga chugga manor and probably felt they should do something "fresh". As "fresh" always means turn gay when a metal band "evolves" to break new ground you get this...
  4. crillemannen

    Want to buy a guitar amp - Need your opinion!

    Ofc not! But it will probably make it stand in a corner collecting dust for most of the time :p its nice on bass guitar though haha!
  5. crillemannen

    Want to buy a guitar amp - Need your opinion!

    Recticraper.. it sucks. To loose for 99% of players even with Ts9. Get a JsX best amp I've tried and i have tried most of the popular high gain amps.
  6. crillemannen

    Add more aggression to miced Guitars

    Rectifiers are so loose it is hopeless to get a tight guitar sound if you don't pick like crazy. Bass can add some nice grit and attitude to guitars if its played and enginered well.
  7. crillemannen

    State of metal 2016

    Well not really... I'd say most band have growl because they couldn't find anyone to sing. And if the growler in the band could also sing they would likely have clean vocals in their song. Growl is easier (not saying it's easy) it's more of an rythm instrument really. Singing on the other hand...
  8. crillemannen

    Want to buy a bass amp!

    Yeah honestly 99% of all bass heads are so boring sounding. Sounds just like adding a clean sansamp signal to a DI. Im totally with you using a pedal on the way in and use impulses etc. To OP: You said you had a Kemper? Then i wouldn't feel any need to adding a whole bass rig to my studio.
  9. crillemannen

    Want to buy a bass amp!

    Well the positive side of things, using an amp to bass is that you get a more finished tone from the start, the whole track and commit thingy. But... I'd rather buy say a B7K pedal and a HW compressor for the bass. But if you still want one i would use a guitarhead with an bass cab. Save you...
  10. crillemannen

    How to get a huge snare sound in a mix?

    Wow that BMTH productions sucks so hard. Yuck on that snare.. Sounds 100% replaced with an old D4 sample....
  11. crillemannen

    What's everyone using for mastering software?

    Hofa works great. It's good if the songs are fading in and out of each other. Otherwise I like Sonoris DDP creator very easy to use.
  12. crillemannen

    Do you fancy a distorted bass, or a clean/full round one? Single tracked?

    Depends on the music! I usually prefer the bass with some grit not fullblown distortion. But whatever works, I've done productions with awesome distorted bass, the B7K is really awesome for that. But keep in mind that bass distortion eats up allot of headroom and will affect the guitars allot...
  13. crillemannen

    Is the latest crop of amp sims like kemper and TSE etc killing the art of micing an amp ?

    I think the Kemper is a great tool. I don't like the Axe FX, to digital for my taste. I really don't care if it is Kemper or a real amp as long as it sounds good. It is allot easier for anyone to do a decent sounding demo these days with all the stellar drum samples, Kemper so accessible today...
  14. crillemannen

    How To Mix Ass-Crushing Heavy Bass Guitar

    Well it all comes down to what he said about the quality of the DI. I've gotten great bass tones but the ones that haven't been that great i blame the bass player and the bass itself sounding poopoo crap. Bassguitar can be awesome and also such a headache to mix.
  15. crillemannen

    Evertune Before/After clips (multi-track download)

    The evertune clip's makes the guitars sit better in the mix. The guitars are more even, and ofc are in tune against each other. Sounds better for sure! I had some set-up problems with my guitar that i have with ET. It wont keep the strings 100% in tune, they go a bit sharp on the pick hit. It...