Recent content by cYberkYller

  1. C

    Guitarists - String Guages?

    I use Ernieball RPS Extra Slinky Strings (08 - 38 I think) but I bought some new Super SLinky Ones (09) Because I want to pick the strings with more conviction! (Pablo Gilberto kind of picking) I'll buy soonly some tone ZOne pickups and I was wondering if X2N would be a great choice (I did'nt...
  2. C

    Who's stuff is the most diffucult to play(guit.)

    Someday you'll understand COMPLETLY something, for now... Burn
  3. C

    SymphonyX wings of tragedy

    Hi The song'' Divine wings of tragedy'' has a gregorian intro but it cuts on something else and come back on the song.... is this normal (in the intro the intro the intro)! thx