Recent content by Damonex

  1. Damonex

    Tribute to Katatonia

    Прошу прощения, что опять на русском, не хочетс&#1103...
  2. Damonex

    Happy Birthday Jonas!

    Yep... Happy Birthday! We will drink the health of you Mr. Renkse. ;)
  3. Damonex

    Tribute to Katatonia

    Ok, we will think about... ;)
  4. Damonex

    Your favourite Katatonia 'hook'

    Gone... "When I was thinking there Was something permanent You were already thinking Of going away" and all acoustic part...
  5. Damonex

    Top 10 Katatonia songs!

    hum... It's hard to choose... 1) Without God 2) Gateways of Bereavement 3) Funeral Wedding 4) Shades Of Emerald Fields 5) Brave 6) Murder 7) Gone 8) Saw You Drown 9) Instrumental 10) Inside the City of Glass ... And many others ;)
  6. Damonex

    Tribute to Katatonia

    It's nice idea... VirtualZ let's do record in sometime ;)
  7. Damonex


    Hi... It's a question to band(katatonia) members... How did you appreciate tribute records? What band, in your opinion, made the best and the most original cover? Katatonia is a one of the my favorite bands... and it's interesting for me to know your opinion... My best regards to Katatonia. ;)
  8. Damonex

    Tribute to Katatonia

    It's very interesting for me to read apinion of band(FS) members about this tribute. How you guys appreciate this record?
  9. Damonex

    Tribute to Katatonia

    10x for the translation... I have no any problem with my ears... It's not just my apinion, that this tribute is a shit and wrong played. ;) Katatonia is my favorite group and I play this song so much times and so much times I heard it... My regards.
  10. Damonex

    Tribute to Katatonia

    В каком состоянии, простите, вы записывал&#1080...