Recent content by Death Before Beauty

  1. D

    Trivium-The Crusade

    No, you do what you want, Alexi laiho is awesome
  2. D

    In Flames - Come Clarity (4.5/5)

    In Flames pwns
  3. D

    TOOL-10000 days

    i hate tool... they are talentless
  4. D

    The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

    lately i've been listening to: Narcotic Self, they are a local band from Omaha, nebraska, i would definitily recommend them if you like Chimaria or meshuggah, I was listening to triviums new cd, but already bored with it
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    Trivium-The Crusade

    your not the only person who thought A7X improved, so did mtv
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    Trivium-The Crusade

    I agree, i really didnt care for the lyrics myself, i guess the last album was just as bad, but you couldnt understand what he was saying.. lol
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    Trivium-The Crusade

    Matt heafy didnt sing much before because he was too young and they were afraid of his voice changing
  8. D

    You Like Iron maiden?

    another thing dragonforce has on Cellador : they problaly dont suck live
  9. D

    You Like Iron maiden?

    yeah, thanks... im sure you know my taste in music so well....
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    You Like Iron maiden?

    Check out Cellador!
  11. D

    Trivium-The Crusade

    So I like it, the guitars are good, but it just sounds alot like a mix of Pantera and metallica, what do you guys think?
  12. D

    Recording music on a budget

    i recorded on a cell phone, haha check it out
  13. D

    Good guitar for low tunings

    i would say a Jackson DXMG, thats what i play but i just do a drop d tuning
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    Check Out My Band! "Abstraction", we just have some guitars up and one little demo, it was recorded on a cell phone, but tell me what you think:rock: