Recent content by Dough

  1. D


    I think you're missing the point YOU'RE the on hopping band wagons... not Oyo.
  2. D


    Thank you Oyo.. a rl friend told me to do it. And I dont listen to Vin. Ice so I dont know how shitty he can be.. but, tell me again why you are talking trash on Opeth forums.. thanks. Go listen to some Nu Metal you bandwagon hopper.
  3. D


    I think you are thinking of Vanilla Ice
  4. D


    ohh ok, my mistake.
  5. D


    what? is there a shitty band called Opeth? I thought this was a forum for Old 'People Ever Take Pills?' forums.
  6. D


    Yes, their grammer can be bad.. and their wording can too.. but I dont find that much, only on 1 or 2 songs.
  7. D


    so... is that why they sell a lot of records? I know what you are thinking "They are just mindless idiots with no sense of music at all" right? Well, I dont ONLY listen to rap.. I dont listen to Opeth, or anyone like that.. but I dont only listen to rap. :p Btw, I agree with 99% of your...
  8. D


    Oyo knows all.. neh? to bad Tupac didnt say that.. gj, way to suck. vet. Dctor said my idiot switch wouldnt flip to the 'OFF' posistion :(
  9. D


    *turns off whiner detector before it explodes!! OHHHH!!!!!! DETECTOR WARS OWN YOU OYO! THEY OWN YOUR MOM TOO! Btw... she should have been here 10 mins ago, where is she?
  10. D


    I tried... but i failed. Thanks for the advice though! *turns off sarcasim detector before it explodes*
  11. D


    ya.. those lil script thingys piss me off too.
  12. D


    Ah.. and they good, dont lie :p
  13. D


    how so? plz explain.
  14. D


    Its odd how you know who they are when you are an Opeth fan.. hmm... btw. thats Shug Knight.
  15. D


    Hi, Im new to the board.. I hope this will keep me busy for all boring hours of my day :p