Recent content by DyINgForLoVe

  1. D

    Enemies Of Reality

    forget about the production forget about the fast borring solos listen to the guitar's riffs then compare them with the riffs in DNB and POE the whole album has a numetal sound in it and i'm a big fan of the band and i know what NM should sound like anyway i think i saw it coming since...
  2. D

    October Tide Lyrics

    anyone know where i can find their lyrics i searched the whole net for it and still can't find anything
  3. D

    Projector rocks!

    projector is the worst DT album after Haven but it's still good anyway you should get their older stuff and then i promise you that you'll have the same opinion
  4. D

    Enemies Of Reality

    when i listend to it for the first time i almost puked the guys when too far this time i have learned to accept DHIDW and even loved it but it's realy hard to do the same with EOR with all this numetal elements even the only realy nevermore song in the album (who decide) they just f**ked it...