Recent content by EL ROV

  1. EL ROV

    is it roopes fault?

    the change is probably because they want to hear new progressions, melodies, and rhythms. Remember, they play the same songs over and over and over, night after night, for months... years. For musicians of their skill, its inevitable that the bands ears beg for different colors. thats all...
  2. EL ROV

    not my funeral lyrics

  3. EL ROV

    not my funeral lyrics

    so in an interview in the current revolver magazine (with nikki sixx on the cover ugh), Alexi said that he wrote not my funeral about someone that told him "dude, your going to die" and how it pissed him off. he said it was someone that "used to be close to me" i was wondering if anyone...
  4. EL ROV

    Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

    I'm not into the covers either, but I think it was a smart move for them marketingwise. I mean, they are an arena level, international product and doing the covers only helped them get some more exposure. who knows, some dumbass britney spears fans may have become metalheads because of the...
  5. EL ROV

    Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

    i like roope. i think he's a helluva guitarist and a metal legend in Finland
  6. EL ROV

    Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

    ^ you sound like a pansey anywayz, does anyone know how much writing Roope had on this record. like i was wondering if he had an impact on the songwriting at all... i get some of that old STONE sound in there sometimes