Recent content by Elimist

  1. E

    Facebook in pirate speak

  2. E

    post your sexy pics here

    New girl has 159 posts already? Jesus shit. What a net whore.
  3. E

    Barack Obama's New World Order

    Resonator: tl;dr Except the EDIT. You're not coming across as a douchebag. I'm effectively a new member around here anyway, so the only assessment of you I have is based on a few posts I've seen of yours in here. You're coming across as a guy who has very little life experience and is spouting...
  4. E

    Barack Obama's New World Order

    I guess that's true... he does give off that sexy player vibe.
  5. E

    Barack Obama's New World Order

    You're missing the point. Try to take age out of the equation and see what I'm getting at: Resonator is pretentious and isn't as smart as he wants to be, and should stop trying to be until he is.
  6. E

    Barack Obama's New World Order

    Hey Resonator? Yeah. How old are you, man? Just a simple question. I can tell by the way you write that you aren't as smart as you think you are or very old. I'm 21. If you're older than that and still writing the way you are, you're really dumb for your age. But even aside from that... No...
  7. E

    post your sexy pics here

    Ah, but who's to say I had any negative implications? I'm friends with a few Dungeon Masters. They're alright people. One of them is probably very into S&M, though I doubt he actually owns a dungeon. Dude, seriously. That was actually using a school comp I was using. A mac mouse is horrible...
  8. E

    post your sexy pics here

    Actually, they both look like Dungeon Masters. Although, I initially meant the guy. Here's me: What do I look like, anyhow?
  9. E

    Art Thread

    Those are some pretty cool lesbian spiders. Some day I'm going to be in a bar hitting on this great girl. Then when we get back to my/her place I'll find out she's half-spider, and at which time I will suddenly find myself in a life or death situation. Does that shit ever happen to anyone? You...
  10. E

    say something about ... yourself!

    I'm playing Pokemon Red right now. Started a new game a while ago 'cause me and a friend of mine needed the nostalgic kick. Grinding my Charizard up to level 100. Currently at 88. SO CLOSE.
  11. E

    post your sexy pics here

    You look like a Dungeon Master.
  12. E

    The Board...

    I'm not a regular. I'm not even a regular on the entire forum. I don't know what my post count is, but I know it has to be under 30. In light of all this, if I am to be a regular anywhere, it's the musicians section or the Nevermore forum. EDIT: 41 posts? Fuck. I'm on here more than I thought.
  13. E

    say something about what the forumer above you is listening to

    What the fuck is Edie Brickell and the New Bohemians? "Laying Fire Upon Apep" by Nile
  14. E

    say something about ... yourself!

    I am in class right now.