Recent content by Eljuanc

  1. E

    Need help with mix drum.

    Mate, what do you mean? Yes, indeed; did you had chance to hear the wav files I've uploaded, everything was recorded with SM57s. On snare, I enhanced 10K around 9dB, then a high shelf boost around 15K; Then I tried to raise around 160HZ to return some snare body lost due to previous high/freq...
  2. E

    Need help with mix drum.

    Did someone deleted my previous post regarding this same topic? Did I got on fault to any of the forum rules? If someone's going to delete this post, at least some explanation could be give.
  3. E

    Need help with mix drum.

    Hi, several years ago, I was in a band which tried to produce our own demo. We recorded drum tracks at a local studio and asked the owner to burn these tracks on a cd for mixing at home in a DAW. After a lot trial&error attempts, I got this. (Soloed Drums around...