Recent content by elmuchoescadawg

  1. elmuchoescadawg

    TC Electronic TDM plugins
  2. elmuchoescadawg

    bass, preamps, comp isocab

    Hi all Ive not been on here for a while but Im currently selling the following. Radall Isocab Peavey Zodiac DE Bass DBX 163a compressor Behringer ADA8000 8 channel pre Audiotec 4 channel active rack mount DI. Ive got them all on ebay here...
  3. elmuchoescadawg

    TC Electronic MD3 TDM

    I have a spare licence for this for sale. You need pro tools HD to use it. Any body interested please contact me at as Im not on the forum often these days.
  4. elmuchoescadawg

    UAD1 and TC MD3 for sale

    hmmmm strange.. cheers though.. seem to be good now..
  5. elmuchoescadawg

    UAD1 and TC MD3 for sale

    UAD1 MD3
  6. elmuchoescadawg

    check this 7...(USA ONLY)

    sorry have I missed something??? whos ed roman??
  7. elmuchoescadawg


    So hows that different to anything hes written since arise?
  8. elmuchoescadawg

    Any love for Killing Joke?

    My lot are covering millennium. We love it.
  9. elmuchoescadawg

    You guys have seen this sneap talking about mixing megadeth vid right?

    I wish Id seen this before Donington!!! Had realised throwing was allowed.
  10. elmuchoescadawg

    estimated cost on starting up with protools hd 1

    Id like to get the haters to do a blind test with the 192 and see if they can tell the difference. Can anyone here say they can hear the difference?
  11. elmuchoescadawg

    Shure SM57 Magic Cable shoot out

    So you posted why?
  12. elmuchoescadawg

    estimated cost on starting up with protools hd 1

    I actually made the move first to M powered and then to HD because every studio I was using for drum tracking was Pro Tools based and my Logic system just wasnt cutting it compared. Ive recently starting working with a band using a studio equipped with a d8B and logic. Compared to tracking drums...
  13. elmuchoescadawg

    Jumping off Joey's PT upgrade thread...

    I do the same with the Maudio transit
  14. elmuchoescadawg

    Jumping off Joey's PT upgrade thread...

    Im running m powered right now to edit drums in the living room instead of being shut away with the HD rig.. Friday Im using it with the Maudio lightbridge to track a full drum kit.
  15. elmuchoescadawg

    estimated cost on starting up with protools hd 1

    I paid £1200 for the HD card. £700 for a 96i/o and £80 for the software licence.