Recent content by Emma

  1. E

    Girlie Shirts

    I'm searching for a black Katatonia girlie shirt. I only found this green one with the logo. Does anybody know if there are also black ones available and where to get them?:confused:
  2. E


    Thank you!!!
  3. E


    Hello Anders! Thank you for your fast answers, I'm deeply impressed! And now you will think I'm completely stupid:cry:: I had a look at the link where I only found that green skinny tee which is meant for both girls and boys and would be still to large. I thougt of a REAL black girlie shirt...
  4. E


    Me again...:s I would prefer a black one. How long will it take til the green ones will be sold out and, most important, how will I get such a black one ??? :confused:
  5. E


    @Gilleon: did you get an answer from Anders concerning the girlie shirts? (don't want to bother him...)
  6. E


    Does anybody know whether there are Girlie-Shirts of Katatonia available? In this L/XL-sizes not really suit girls...