Recent content by Esc-ist

  1. E

    Beginner Opeth Songs?

    Oh, to RB2610 - I was not laughing at you! Sorry, I didnt read where you said you were having trouble! Really sorry!
  2. E

    Beginner Opeth Songs?

    I was thinking about that EC-1000FR for a while, but the scale is too short... Would be nice though. In that custom I want, hopefully EMG-81-7 and 60-7 pickups, although if i can find somewhere in Qld that sells barenuckles or if I can find 7 string PRS pups...
  3. E

    Beginner Opeth Songs?

    heh, saving up to build a seven string single cut or explorer with a wine red flame maple top (like Mikael's Modern Eagle single cut 24 fret masterpiece) and a trem sometime this year. 27.5" scale, simply for the fact that I even find a Schecter or Strat neck too short, and will down-tune pretty...
  4. E

    Beginner Opeth Songs?

    And I am aware that opeth for beginners is kinda non existent.
  5. E

    Beginner Opeth Songs?

    trying to learn how to play chords properly, but fat fingers lol, I see what your trying to say - Its really the barre chords I have trouble with, and I cant finger pick chords properly either. (I prefer to finger pick, which is how I have always played) And yeah, I want to know some good...
  6. E

    Beginner Opeth Songs?

    I am -not- a retard by the way
  7. E

    Beginner Opeth Songs?

    tried that. I may be new to guitar, but I have been playing instruments in general for most of my life. I can read sheet music, but still learning notes on the fretboard.
  8. E

    Beginner Opeth Songs?

    hey guys, I am pretty much a complete beginner at guitars, and I would like to learn some decent songs. Unfortunately, I'm a metal head with an acoustic guitar... But Wait! My favourite band is Opeth! Bahahaha, now I'm set. But no, I can't find many acoustic sections I can actually play! I need...