Recent content by EternalBassTorture

  1. EternalBassTorture


    It's a shame the forum is closing, but it sure is understandable. See you in porto (oct 22) at ProgNation.........:rock:
  2. EternalBassTorture

    Progressive Nation 2009 (Europe/UK)

  3. EternalBassTorture

    The $40.00 T-shirt

    Yes they do :rock: it just depends how big of a man you are...
  4. EternalBassTorture

    Watershed in Portugal

  5. EternalBassTorture

    Does José Cid have influence in Opeth sound?

    ah ah I think José Cid would be a great influence to opeth sound. :rock:
  6. EternalBassTorture

    Whats a Better Bass Sound

    Fingering `till the end... The way Mendez does it .:rock:
  7. EternalBassTorture

    Opeth Live in Lisbon

    «A fellow countryman!» :kickass:
  8. EternalBassTorture

    Opeth Live in Lisbon

    Amazing gig.... O chamado concerto do car*lho!:rock:
  9. EternalBassTorture

    Final Damnation

    weakness is a great closing song..............specially if followed by Wreath or Master´s Apprentice................
  10. EternalBassTorture

    Opeth, PT and DT

    i love police truck.......:rock: But seriously would be great to see Opeth with PT,but this time in Europe(Portugal) and why not with DT..........
  11. EternalBassTorture

    Novembre (Italy) - USA/CANADA Tour - Sept/Oct 2007

    Novembrine Waltz is definetly one their best cds,but i guess Materia is easier to get into... Is just a shame that you guys dont tour here in Europe(Portugal...but STILL EUROPE).
  12. EternalBassTorture

    opeth's intro music? This is opeth´s intro................
  13. EternalBassTorture

    opeth's intro music?

    Popol Vuh is definetly very interesting and obscure.........
  14. EternalBassTorture

    Opeth Boxset (A REAL one)

    seeing the Blackwater Park documentary released would be good.............
  15. EternalBassTorture

    Heathen Crusade 2 - 3 More Days!!!

    hordes of yore are great portuguese band, a shame i couldn´t be there...............