Whats a Better Bass Sound

It all depends on the scenario. I think all bass players should learn to play with their fingers first but also learn some pick skills. There are certain sounds you can only get from certain techniques so its good to know both. But to answer your question, I like an aggressive finger attacks sound the best.
I agree, what sounds good for one genre might not sound good for another. I think playing with a pick sounds good for most metal genres, mainly because of the sharpness of the sound. But of course equalization has something to do with it too. You can immediately hear Mendez plays without a pick because of the rounder, warmer sound, but with most (death) metal bands you only get the low boom of the eq and high "twang" of the pick. Different playing styles for different genres I suppose.

Pointless rambling on? Maybe.
well i play in a classic rock band playing our own material, it ranges from quite classic rock sounds to a progressive metal rock sound with modern punk overtones wierd i know but i find finger playing gives me better damping controle and good variation in sounds you can achieve, through percussove effects clipping the string with the nail or just the pad of the finger, the only thing finger style is not so good at is definition through a dense mix listen to live metallica with the curent bassist and compare to jason newseads tone, Jason cust through very well indeed. roberts style is superior but the bass melds with the kick drum mmore with fingers. pick playing tends to follow the guitarist more. you will find that a little distortion mixed with the dry si signal works wonders in helping a finger style sound to cut through.

just my thoughts

ps an ampeg amp and stack does help
Fingers all the way, only use pick if you want the attack that fingers won't give you. I say any bass player work on good two finger and muting techniques, then practice with three or four fingers once they've got that down. If you want the easy way out though, use pick because it's so much easier.
Fingered bass in almost all cases, pick if you want a clankier metallic sound (but it often ends up sounding BONGY and you sound like the freak in Spock's Beard, or the average punk band where the bass player sucks too much to play with his fingers).
Personally, I use variation. It all depends on what you're playing. Of course, it's just a stupid excuse to use a pick just because the fingered part is "too difficult", so I try to avoid that and practice more. Picks can really give the song a better sound in some cases, though.
Having played classical, playing bass fingerstyle is a natural choice for me. I definitely like the sound better, too.
cheers for the replys people
i would havto agree with everyone and say i prefere fingers, but the humble pick does have its place, i am a HUGE fan of good old victor wooten ( if u havn't heard him then i suggest that you do now) and after see what he can accomplish with his fingers, i dont think that it would be possible to get that sort of sound or get that fast as you can hit multiple strings at once and that sorta crap....go the fingers i say!!!!