Recent content by euga

  1. E

    recording/producing blog-type sites

    samples samples samples... comparisons between heads, pickup, guitars, mics ecc ecc
  2. E

    Sansamp PSA-1 worth keeping?

    imho It's good with bass, and for guitar sound very good with the right impulses ...keep it!
  3. E

    EZDrummer Cubase drum maps?

    just found them in the toontrack website! what a noooob!!!
  4. E

    EZDrummer Cubase drum maps?

    up! anyone got the drum map of ezdrummer drumkit from hell for cubase???? can send a pm with email adress if you have it!
  5. E

    copy/paste or full take?

    interesting! i could copy/paste entire verses or chorus, time saving, consistent and not too artifact sound... for the double track thing i always do that... i'm tryin' quad track but seems too modern for thrashing riffs
  6. E

    copy/paste or full take?

    total noob question! when tracking guitar and bass do you prefer a single take of a riff and copy/paste or a take of the full song (or a big a part of it?)??? if you can play enough tight to the click which do you prefer soundwise??? and why?
  7. E

    Sansamp PSA kicks ass (Recto+5150+natural drums)

    good bass tones!!! can you post settings?
  8. E

    Panning guitar varieties

    I'm a total noob but in my short mixing experience i found that panning guitars in the second way sounds a bit more old school...
  9. E

    Sansamp RBI vs PSA-1.1

    I've tried only the psa1, with bass is very good sounding... and you have also a good guitar pre that can be useful...
  10. E

    beta58 for guitar? or impulses?

    thanks for the help ahj... all i have to do now is try, "in your face" is a good feature for the tone i want... cause we play fuckin' thrash metal ahah... i'll look around for tryin a sm57... grazie anche ad allu, vedrò di farmi prestare un sm57 e vedo come va...
  11. E

    FUCKIN THRASH! Exodus/Testament/Sneapish

    yeah thanks... the filter is before or after the impulse?
  12. E

    beta58 for guitar? or impulses?

    oh menomale che c'è qualche italiano :) eh lo so che il 57 sarebbe più indicato, ma la momento non penso di riuscire a prenderlo... tu hai mai provato il beta58 per un ampli? comunque ho sentito dei bei suoni col sansamp e gli impulsi (vedi la discussione nella sezione rate my tone), secondo te...
  13. E

    FUCKIN THRASH! Exodus/Testament/Sneapish

    i really like the guitars tone... I have a sansamp too, never tried it with impulses, now i must do it... wich impulses are you using? and wich settings on the sansamp?
  14. E

    beta58 for guitar? or impulses?

    Hi to all! I'm new... and I'm italian so excuse my bad english... I found a lot of useful informations on this forum and i love sneap recording's sound so i'm tryin' to improve the crappy recordings i make for my band :) my vocalist has beta58 wich i found pretty good for vocals... would you...