Recent content by Excess

  1. Excess

    COB Guitar Clinic.

    Hehe, yes that was me. So you noticed the skirt haha, thanks I made it myself ;) Nope, did'nt see you. Promise that you say Hi the next time damn it. What's your next event? Fan vad dumt det känns att skriva på engelska, men vad gör man inte för att allmänheten ska förstå :P
  2. Excess

    COB Guitar Clinic.

    I was there taking pictures, Ill post them here later (when I get home.) And yes, I have to agree with Something_wild. Fanbois everywhere. Took a shot at the fanboicrowd after the clinic aswell. You'll know what I mean when you see it hehe.
  3. Excess

    COB Pics

    I have some more "pro"-pics from the guitar clinic with Roope and Alexi, they will be up as soon as I get home. Stay tuned.
  4. Excess

    Own Pictures Thread

    ÅMG its green! GRÖÖÖÖN! Just as the skooog (or absinthe)
  5. Excess

    The OFFICIAL "ŵG I'M SO FUCKING ARTSY!" - The Artsy Photo Thread

    Did someone say Battleheart's taking over? :goggly:
  6. Excess

    All the board's women!

  7. Excess

    All the board's women!

    Im already done, before even I knew about it, eyepatch and all! Thanks Ralf... i think :lol:
  8. Excess


    Sorry but hmm... yeah i really have to think twice about this, and also inform some friends from here and see how pissed they will get at me :p hehe
  9. Excess

    Tatoo idea

    Actually, i have to agreee haha. I left mine at my parents house when I moved out :p
  10. Excess


    If i go via GBG that means that I have to let other friends of mine down instead :erk:
  11. Excess

    Tatoo idea

    omgIKEAbookshelf! I have the same one :D
  12. Excess


    Hey hey, im not 100% sure yet! but ill try :)
  13. Excess

    Tuska 2006

    Same dates as With Full Force, which means that I cant go :/
  14. Excess

    What are you wearing right now?

    A white dress
  15. Excess

    pick-up lines

    Nice hair.