COB Pics

inhe said:
Some pics from the guitar clinic in stockholm. They were shot with a mobilecamera, so the quality kinda sucks :/

Me and Roope, don't know how it got to be so blurry, but ye, atleast i got his pen after he had signed some stuff :D

Overall pretty nice show, roope was really good when he played some parts for his own, but the retarded soundguy wouldn't raise the volume for roopes guitar, so when both played, you pretty much just heard alexi.

Kickass dude. :kickass:
Rocksane said:
brown.. but why do you want do know that, you're just curious?

Lol. Well, I though they were all blond. It's just curiosity. Once I saw a pic with Alexi and his hair was brown so...

Thanks for the information. Take care.
Hi from Moscow =)
Your photos from Wacken 2006


Me and OMGALEXI!!!111oneone

Photo from the clinic by me

Alexi - photo by me

Alexi answering questions, and Roope having problems with he's Ipod.. he said "All this new technology mekes me nervous!" ;D photo by me

Me and Roope - drunk :p I look fucked, and so does he :p photo by me.
Indeed, I have to say that Alexi looks nice with this new hair colour, and of course it's the best thing if he won't dye his hair never again, but... I have to say that I think he's better with blond hair.....
^yeah i mean watch "everytime i die" and compare it with AYDY video and see the diffrence!!! it was sooo nice and healthy before