COB Pics

<-Warheart-> said:
I think he looks better with it, I think everyone that wears it look better like it.

I agree for a half.... not everyone looks better with eyeliner on, for me.... about Alexi's case, for example, I think he looks good without it but I have to say that he also looks good with.... :)
§killer_angel§ said:
eyeline looks good on some men... alexy's eyes got the right shape for it,and after all these years when I see a pic of him without makeup he looks nakeed, but strangely in this pic he des not... dunno why.... but dark hairs suits him pretty good!

Hahaha, the last unicorn! :lol:
Peti said:
men with eyeliner = gay
you think that he looks weird without it, cause you got to used to see him with it.

men with eyeliner = <3
What's so wrong with that? I mean, girls weares eyeliner, and n-one cares. "Yeh but that's coz they're girls!!!". eeeeehm... so? I think it's beautiful when guys have it!!!
Popular guys from bands with eyeliner it's ok, thats embellish the glance but I prefer natural men. Alexi is cute with it but I don't imagine my boy friends with that loll :erk:.. If I had a bf, I would prefer him without make up...
Some pics from the guitar clinic in stockholm. They were shot with a mobilecamera, so the quality kinda sucks :/

Me and Roope, don't know how it got to be so blurry, but ye, atleast i got his pen after he had signed some stuff :D

Overall pretty nice show, roope was really good when he played some parts for his own, but the retarded soundguy wouldn't raise the volume for roopes guitar, so when both played, you pretty much just heard alexi.