COB Pics

A few previews of the photos (keep in mind, this is the first COB show where I could only take pics for the first three songs, so I don't have a million like I normally do):




Let me know if you need me to makes these a tiny size instead.
Mr. Seppälä looks soooo great with pink hair!:lol:

Erhm, is it just me or has something happened to Janne's face and hair? :erk: He looks.. Dunno, sick? Fat? Old? This is scary.
Maybe I'm just tired...
<-Warheart-> said:
I don't think if this has been posted before but I've never seen it on here before.

I'm pretty sure the picture is in the COB gallery on the official site. It looks familiar.
&#9532;Victim of the Night&#9532; said:
...what? sorry if I told something wrong... :cry:
no.. with some decent users as you, this place might be cured..
do you think it's funny? sometimes one has to understand ....or to decide something..... expecially when it's concerning her life......
and she in not able to do that...... it's terrible...
well, chuck it Eli... bye
no problem.... it's your right to do what you want...
it's my fault, it's just that I'm a bit sad, tonight.... I'm not alright, sorry.
&#9532;Victim of the Night&#9532; said:
no problem.... it's your right to do what you want...
it's my fault, it's just that I'm a bit sad, tonight.... I'm not alright, sorry.

Why sad?