Recent content by ExorcistYo

  1. ExorcistYo

    Top 10 Favorite Bands

    No order as well... Protest the Hero Despised Icon After The Burial As Blood Runs Black the number twelve looks like you The Faceless Anata The Boy Will Drown From A Second Story Window Ion Dissonance .. so many more.
  2. ExorcistYo

    The most twisted and/or warped band name ever?

    Brain Drill... all those "Anal"s are just over the top. It's been done so many times anyways.
  3. ExorcistYo

    Songs currently kicking your ass.

    Dead Girls - The Boy Will Drown. GAH.
  4. ExorcistYo

    Good Brutal Tech Death

    Check out Amoral... Sorta like Anata. Really technical. Also, The Boy Will Drown. Or.. Beneath The Massacre.
  5. ExorcistYo

    Hey y'all.

    Just wanted to introduce myself.. Name's Isaiah. Been listening to metal for a long time now. I'm really into a lot of deathcore and technical stuff... hit me up, I love to talk about this stuff. =]