Recent content by eye

  1. eye

    Opeth and Tool

    I can never understand this. Tool is good, but they are not as amazing as people claim. The music is not that nuanced and the lyrics are not that thought provoking or intricate. Just because they're about complex (and pretty strange) theories, as fadingessence pointed out at great length...
  2. eye

    5 Favourite Bands

    Damn... Fredrik Thordendal's Special Defects should've been on there.
  3. eye

    5 Favourite Bands

    Hmm... I don't know about songs but: 1. Opeth - Blackwater Park 2. King Crimson - Discipline/Power to Believe 3. Pig Destroyer - Prowler in the Yard 4. Ephel Duath - Painter's Palette 5. Meshuggah - Destroy Erase Improve 6. Dillinger Escape Plan - Calculating Infinity 7. Genesis - Nursery...
  4. eye

    Prog Rock

    Progressive metal. Same damn thing.
  5. eye

    Prog Rock

    I pretty much agree with Slump here... King Crimson (the power to believe kicks ass), Ephel Duath, Meshuggah, Pink Floyd, all great. Get Genesis stuff from nursery cryme-lamb lies down on broadway, and you'll be set.
  6. eye

    Kickass!!! APC/Mars Volta

    holy crap!! now that I've seen this thread, I'm going! Kickass is right!
  7. eye

    Opeth Dreams?

    I did once dream of Opeth in concert dream... nothing as strange as many of you. Just let me say that dream-moshing kicks ass!!
  8. eye

    Still Life - a bad album?

    hell yeah! I wouldn't call Still Life their best album, but I doubt I'd judge it very harshly. I have more trouble with Morning Rise... while the idividual musical sections are great, the song consruction doesn't seem as fluent as Opeth's later material. Once again, though, I refer you to the...
  9. eye


    oh for god's sake, mosh pits aren't that hard to avoid. If you don't like them, avoid them. If someone wants to mosh, let them. I see nothing wrong in moshing during the more energetic sections. It's just another way of showing support for the band. Shit, I moshed occasionally to Opeth when...
  10. eye


    Check out my band, Dross (industrial grindcore), at I'd recommend listening to the first song ("Expurgation") as the best representation of our sound.
  11. eye


    Heh, funny. That was the first song I learned on bass.
  12. eye

    Any tips on recording bass?

    Yeah, I finally got a compressor, and it seems to help. At least it boosts the volume to a reasonable level, so I managed recorded the bass part to that death metal song today.
  13. eye

    Punk Vs. Metal

    Overall, I'd say I like metal better. But, yes, Dillinger Escape Plan ranks up their, as well as some other hardcore punk bands. That crap called punk that's popular is completely worthless.
  14. eye

    Any tips on recording bass?

    I use my computer to record stuff, and while the guitar sound fine through the headphone jack, my bass sounds like crap. I've been trying to ignore it and go without a bass, but I just finished a death metal song, and it sounds very thin without one. Any ideas?
  15. eye

    What album are you listening to right now?

    Machine Head - Hellalive