Recent content by Firzen

  1. F

    When will Katatonia be coming to Australia?????

    What are the chances of sideshows if they haven't been announced at the same time as the big news? Just asking, not being a pessimist here really hoping!
  2. F

    Katatonia merch

    I ordered with a credit card all the way to sunny Australia, and shot them an email for an estimate for shipping time and got a reply. ( 1-2 weeks for those curious)
  3. F

    Katatonia merch

    Any news of a hoodie?
  4. F

    Katatonia merch

    So now I see the hoodie pic representing the category for outerwear, but nothing is actually in that category :(
  5. F

    Katatonia merch

    Gah, want some shirts and the hoodie, need to wait for the hoodie to go up in the store again i guess, cos I want to order all at once to save on shipping...
  6. F

    Katatonia merch

    Where did you find that hoodie? Its not in the official merch store?
  7. F

    Katatonia merch

    I'm probably going to get one of everything. Well except the girl tees. Here's hoping for a discount haha. Even if its on the shipping to the land of Aus.
  8. F

    The Forum Lurkers

    lurk lurk
  9. F

    South american tour?

    Nope, long overdue really, opeth return here with regularity and porcupine tree had their first tour here this year. EDIT: long overdue because I want to see them , I can see a bit of resentment in the tone of that sentence that shouldn't be there :P
  10. F

    What about an update?

    I'm guessing lack of updates is cos half the band is working on this... woo, new bloodbath video =D
  11. F

    Learning Guitar

    I've acquired a pretty much free electric guitar and amp (its pretty shitty) its something I can learn with. Now I have no musical experience whatsoever, but people have told me its possible to learn yourself through friends and the 'net ( i have quite a few friends in bands and such) Is this...
  12. F

    KFUCK Vol. 2?

    Grah, had a bit of trouble with a friend who has equipment for this type of thing >_>...Hopefully the vocals don't sound too crap recorded on my mp3 player :P Anyway do you have any requests or directions on how you want to arrange it? Or you want me to figure it out
  13. F

    post your pic.....

    I'm random!
  14. F

    KFUCK Vol. 2?

    I'm willing to give it a when ready with some idea of what your going for. No promises on how good I sound though! Just want to help in some way, and I've been told I can sing...and I sound decent I think :P Excellent Excellent cover by Unicorn and BloodySwan...freaking awesome...
  15. F

    Katatonia Equalizer listening settings?

    Thanks guys, I've got it set to a "V" and every song sounds awesome (even non-metal stuff) I'm loving ghost of the sun on my crappy stock earphones. BTW My new mp3 is the Iriver e10.