Recent content by George Necola

  1. George Necola


    Chandler Germanium will make it for you. Sorry but the hyped API highs and bass is terrible on guitar I think (not always, but didnt worked for me most of the time). the chandler and a SM57.. :rock:
  2. George Necola

    Phantom power

    I have 4 EMO E730 6 channels phantompowersuplys to sell + 2 AKG N66e (all units are symetrically modded). location switzerland, we are running 230Volts here. cheers George
  3. George Necola


    whatever works right.. but this is first hand information from the bat (guitarist). but its true its only on the song our heroin recess..:) :notworthy :notworthy cheers George
  4. George Necola


    the Krankenstein, you can hear it on the samplesong from this band: the guitarlines are played 4 times (doubling). cheers George
  5. George Necola

    my friends have released a new album! check it out

    its fast, its brutal, its grind.. amok
  6. George Necola

    Mesa dualrecto.. old series better?

    MESA stuff.. yesterday I had a talk with a cool underground metalproduzzzzer. he said, if you wanna buy a MEsa Dualrecto, search for the older ones with Serialnumber below 1000.. they dont have this fizzel-stuff up there in the 6khz region. someone can justify this statement? cheers
  7. George Necola


    wow NEIL.. keep us informed! and post a short sample when you have finished a CD and its allowed to place a sample here! cheers George
  8. George Necola

    Macabre - guitars

    hm, you didnt mention the amount of detail I wanted to know;) I try asking you again. are you more the XY guy or more A/B? you know what I mean? any support from roommicrophones? *just want to have a reality-check before my next project starts*:rock:
  9. George Necola

    Spiral Architect-" A Sceptic's Universe"

    well.. Its the playing;) the musician;) Am I allowed to ask what kind of monitoringsystem you use? DA stage? is there a tapemaching running in your controlroom these days? cheers
  10. George Necola

    7 String/Mesa Recto Tone Help Needed

    oh yeha.. and CUT CUT CUT the bass from the guitarsound!;) too much bass in the guitarsound is killing your mix..
  11. George Necola

    7 String/Mesa Recto Tone Help Needed

    sorry, no possibility to hear your sample at the moment (office.. no speakers here).. just think about it: what you hear on CD is kick bass guitars.. layered on top of each other (if you take it as a pic).. if the bass is missing, or the kick is not hitting like it should, you cant have a...
  12. George Necola

    Macabre - guitars

    thanx for the detailed expl:) yes the Dahmer album so you are more into A/B OH-placement than XY or ORTF-guy.. makes sense.. because drummers usually have more than 4 cymbals.. am I allowed to ask if you like triggering kick and stuff? (backup or in use?) wow.. SSL E's are a bit on the...
  13. George Necola

    Just a silly question about guitar doubling

    I track 2 guitarlines (if I have 2 guitarist).. one panned 70L other 75 or something right.. I do biamping or triamping and every guitarist get a least 2 microphones mixed together.. till the invention of the TG-2 preamp life is much easier.. cheers George
  14. George Necola

    a few pictures from the studio

    cool.. where is the ICON? :rock: :rock: