Recent content by GlassJaw_

  1. GlassJaw_

    In-Studio Music Video of a band I produced... check it out please!

    Haha fair enough, this is an ultimate metal forum I suppose
  2. GlassJaw_

    In-Studio Music Video of a band I produced... check it out please!

    Hey guys, Recorded this band called "Go To The West" a couple weeks ago and just finished taking this video to promote their work. The video offers a pretty in-depth look at our studio and the types of gear we use to record; The song is "folky" so it was a nice way to utilize all of our...
  3. GlassJaw_

    Jammin to August Burns Red Ampsim mix test

    hey guys thanks for the input. I did this mix strictly to show how good of a mix you can get with just vst amps... I'll do more mixes with the axe fx ultra we have in the studio. Might even reamp the dry signal of the axe with vst amps. thanks for the drum tips too. What plug-ins are good these...
  4. GlassJaw_

    Jammin to August Burns Red Ampsim mix test

    How should I go about adding more attack? Im not going to add any more compression so what else would help with that?
  5. GlassJaw_

    Jammin to August Burns Red Ampsim mix test

    yup! I feel that! Thanks a lot, Snare is a mixture of the superior Nir Z snare and 3 Paramore snare samples that sound absolutely crazy when you blend them
  6. GlassJaw_

    Jammin to August Burns Red Ampsim mix test

    Shameless self bump:ill:
  7. GlassJaw_

    Jammin to August Burns Red Ampsim mix test

    Hey guys, exploring new kick and snare samples while using superior drummer and did a cool riff from "White Washed" by August Burns Red. Let me know how I can make this betterr, I feel like it needs a bit more balls. :rock: Signal chain...
  8. GlassJaw_

    Techy Riff Axe FX Tone Test!

    bumpity bump
  9. GlassJaw_

    Techy Riff Axe FX Tone Test!

    Hey thanks man, signal chain is ESP 7 string >> Pod XT (cab sims off) >> Axe FX cab sims in Cubase, and then some light compression and EQing on the guitars...tone is all in the mids, hardly any bass on the guitars at all. Glad you like it man!
  10. GlassJaw_

    Techy Riff Axe FX Tone Test!

  11. GlassJaw_

    Techy Riff Axe FX Tone Test!

    Link updated with more riffs and stuff...also added bass ;). And as for the tone. Its a Pod XT running into SIR with Axe FX cab impulses. lots of mids, around 70% gain, very little bass and not a whole lot of treble. i dont know tone is subjective, just keep tweaking! An electric guitar is...
  12. GlassJaw_

    For fully computer-crafted drums, I don't think these sound half bad...

    kick sounds like your smashing a really large piece of plastic on a rock. I'd say try again with the kick, but I cant tell how it'll sound with more instruments...
  13. GlassJaw_

    Techy Riff Axe FX Tone Test!

    haha both guitars are about 60-60 L and R, Ill try panning full left and right but I find it sounds fuller this way. The snare is pretty compressed as it is, but it could always use some good old fashioned tweaking! Thanks man!
  14. GlassJaw_

    Retro Pop Mix (Not Metal Song Inside)

    The kick sounds like it may be clipping just a little bit, other that its really good. Maybe a bit of effects on the vocals as glue in the mix
  15. GlassJaw_

    Most Judiac mix EVER!

    guitars are obviously too low, and vocals are obviously too loud!