Jammin to August Burns Red Ampsim mix test


Dec 22, 2009
Hey guys, exploring new kick and snare samples while using superior drummer and did a cool riff from "White Washed" by August Burns Red.

Let me know how I can make this betterr, I feel like it needs a bit more balls. :headbang:

https://dl.dropbox.com/u/5637304/Fart Cramp.mp3

Signal chain is:
RAN Crusher 6
microphone jack
Le456 ampsim (ENGL)
Various plugins....:rolleyes:
yup! I feel that! Thanks a lot, Snare is a mixture of the superior Nir Z snare and 3 Paramore snare samples that sound absolutely crazy when you blend them
How should I go about adding more attack? Im not going to add any more compression so what else would help with that?
Throw the leads in the center, overall the guitars sound pretty good, aside from needing a little more attack. The drum fill in the beginning includes toms, so that should to be the main focus of that riff as far as drums go. Where it turns into the staccato-like chugs, there is a snare riff that is straight 16th ghost notes, but accented on the 3. And then the decending tom fill in the last measure before the chugs kick in, it starts out with a flam on the hi tom. The best way to do an A/B comparison is to make sure every riff is played exactly how the original is played, you will get the best results that way. Check this out, it may add some assistance
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Just a bit more about the drums. It seems like you ride that left crash quite a bit. I suggest changing it up a bit and maybe even changing that crash altogether. Was never a fan of that one.
hey guys thanks for the input. I did this mix strictly to show how good of a mix you can get with just vst amps... I'll do more mixes with the axe fx ultra we have in the studio. Might even reamp the dry signal of the axe with vst amps. thanks for the drum tips too. What plug-ins are good these days as far as drum compression? reverb? widening? Thanks for all the help!