Recent content by god9

  1. G

    Atonement - Influenced by Vedic Chants ?

    One of my favourite songs on guitar to play, I must have listened to this song about 100 times in one night, figuring out the notes, then playing it.
  2. G

    Best Mikael GROWL

    The one in Reverie/Harlequin Forest - around 2:33 No competition.
  3. G

    my dad likes opeth

    My dad listens to a lot of classic rock, 90's rock (BLEHH) and like modern rock. I don't think he'd like metal/death metal much. And mom...well she listens to uh...Luba and various other 80's, 90's dance music. Oh yeah and Enya, and Sarah Machlachlan. Very bad taste in music...
  4. G

    Ending Credits on Lamentations..

    Just after they finish playing Ending Credits, Mike says: "Did you like that track did you? Thats good! Its totaly ripped off from a band called Camel." I'm familiar with Camel and some of their songs, but does anyone know which track they 'ripped' it off of? Before you ridicule me, I...
  5. G

    Have Opeth been on a soundtrack to a movie? Here is that Ballet Deviare myspace. No opeth vids or anything unfortunately. Its kind of weird seeing chicks dance to heavy metal. Kind of arousing...
  6. G


    My lord, for metal fans, some of you are quite the whiney little bitches. Hell if they play ANY of the tracks off of GR I'll be happy. Any new live content is awesome, do not complain. Edit: seems I'm a bit late.......Don't really care for that set list but it should be cool.