Recent content by Grimmar

  1. Grimmar

    Best Bass heads and cabinetts in your opinion

    I really like the MESA BOOGIE and AMPEG heads (in fact i´m the proud owner of an SVT-3 PRO :grin: ) MESA is so good do have an overloaded sound, really heavy, AMPEG has a heavy sound too but more defined in my opinion (the 9 band equalizator works really fine for me)... About cabinets don´t...
  2. Grimmar

    Question about bass weights...

    I´ll start my Bass Lifting program NOW! :yell: thanks for the tip hippie :P wow...what a heavy bass... 6 kg it´s too much for me when i´m bouncing in the stage, all people say "wow man...this bass is SO heavy" but if they see your bass they´ll get stunned for sure :hypno: PS: Why a...
  3. Grimmar

    Question about bass weights...

    Hello all there! Just wondering about the weight your basses have (non bassist people can answer too :loco: ) ... I have just recieved a custom bass I ordered but now i think that better I have choosen another wood than weights 4 Kg and when i move round the stage it leaves my...
  4. Grimmar

    Which band got you into metal?

    My first metal album was "the triumph of steel" by ManowaR, by that time i never listened nothing of metal but I was interested in mithology and RPG´s,and a pair of years later I was reborn... I listened "Dragons of the north" by Einherjer it changed my musical orientation forever, what a great...
  5. Grimmar

    Lost my fighting spirit

    It was only that time, I did it only in the heat of the moment...I agree with what you think,this way of feel pain is a try to exteriorize what you have inside and you can´t afford...I hope you do better now too Fjell! Note that I say feel pain trough small cuts and burnings,people who try to...
  6. Grimmar

    Lost my fighting spirit

    I don´t know if this will be helpfull,but in a moment of intense depression and fury,caused by one of my ex-friends i made a scarification on my arm...i think it was the only thing that made me calm...the pain i felt was the pain i wanted to do to him...then I calmed.