Recent content by heck

  1. heck


    Ouch! See, I forgot that aiden even existed there... And you had to go remind me. I guess you sickened me back, so we're even! :D
  2. heck


  3. heck

    Lead guitarist wanted

    Signed touring band need lead guitarist Us: London based metal band, often compared with King Crimson, Kyuss, Soundgarden, Voivod etc., but play whatever feels good. Signed to independent label, regularly touring Europe. Current lead guitarist is leaving after latest tour, due to life...
  4. heck

    London gig with Akercocke

    Hey Lee B... Good to catch up with you last night, yer fat cunt! Cheers for the To-mera demo. Sounds good n fucked up mate! Drop me a line and I'll get a copy of the End of Level Boss album over to you. h.
  5. heck

    Our bass player is a Newfi...

    ...but we're based in the UK. Can we still join in the fun here? :grin: Here's a link to our shit: End of Level Boss
  6. heck

    Got some riffs... Wanna hear 'em?

    End of Level Boss (ex-hangnail UK) The Experiment ep: Track 1: Freak Waves: Track 2: Dis-jointhead: Track 3: Words Have No Meaning: Track 4: End of Line...
  7. heck


    Hey Brian! Thanks for the update. Can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to new Confessor. Caught the live Confessor experience a few times here in the UK. I'm still stunned! Good luck with it all - and make sure it's fucked up!! :grin:
  8. heck


    Fuck me. I just heard Loincloth. Amazing. A brief appetiser in the search for more Confessor. Check it out: Chuffed.
  9. heck


    Gah!! Drool!! Slobber!! I need this!!!! :OMG:
  10. heck

    All Faith Is Lost demo

    heh heh! I thought that Decomposed's cover version was better! :grin:
  11. heck

    Anathema boards musicians

    I make noises with some drunken hippies under the banner End of Level Boss. Have a blast:
  12. heck

    All Faith Is Lost demo

    Now there's a quality band! I just unearthed all my old demo's and found my copy of this. It's in perfect nick too. All I can ask now is "Do Dey Do Dey Die?"
  13. heck


    Just seen the Confessor 'Wicked World' interview. Does that mean they're gonna do the new stuff through WW? Condenmed is an all time classic and I NEED information!! :heh:
  14. heck

    studio report

    Hoi Daniel man! Make sure you don't go teething jackets from oxfam on the next tour!:tickled: Seriously though mate, good luck with it all. Keep on.... h.
  15. heck


    Yeah, there's a new interview on the Earache site. That's how I ebded up here. Here's a link to the interview: