Recent content by hectormandela

  1. H

    the IRA

    It does when the nationalist/republican communtiy continue to be denied their rights and be discriminated against in many ways. And while many nationalists and unionists get on ok, there still remain much sectarianism in the six-counties. But it is not about catholic v protestant or nationalist...
  2. H

    the IRA

    EIRE said: 'At the end of the day, I still think the IRA should be stopped, along with others who are armed. One simple reason being, people are getting killed on both sides and nothing is gettting solved.' That is the reason that the Peace Process was developed here in Ireland - to get rid...
  3. H

    the IRA

    Because both the IRA and Sinn Fein have both consistently campaigned against drugs within their communities, have stood with local communties in facing down drug dealers and trying to end the criminality associated with drug dealing. Has any individual member of the IRA been into drugs? Of...
  4. H

    the IRA

    p.s In relation to your mention of the IRA supposedly moving arms around the country, a couple of points. First of all - The Britich army are the largest group moving weapons around Ireland - Currenlty over 8,500 armed troops occupy the six- counties of Ireland, far more than the number of...
  5. H

    the IRA

    No disrespect to you, but there are a couple of points need to be made here. Like yourself, I want to see an end to the IRA, BUT ONLYWHEN THE REST OF THE ARMED GROUPS GO AWAY ALSO _ BRITISH ARMY, RUC/PSNI, UDA,UVF ETC. Like you, I have many friends north and south of the border, indeed many...
  6. H

    Sacrifice Gig (Derry) 26 March

    They were class, weren't they? I was expecting something special but they really blew me away. It would be good to see them do their own full set sometime, would'nt it? Or have you been lucky enough to do so already?
  7. H

    the IRA

    The IRA, while on ceasfire since 1994, continue to be needed to defend Nationalist areas in the occupied 6 - counties of our country. British occupation continues, nationalists and republicans continue to be denied full equality in many areas, continue to be discriminated against politically and...
  8. H

    Sacrifice Gig (Derry) 26 March

    Just after getting back from Sacrifice Gig in derry (Ireland). Amon Amarth were fucking excellent. Really stole the show - even though Destruction who headlined it were excellent also. It was my first time seeing AA Live and they they surpassed my wildest expectations. Cant wait to try to...