Sacrifice Gig (Derry) 26 March


New Metal Member
Mar 27, 2005
Sligo, Ireland
Just after getting back from Sacrifice Gig in derry (Ireland). Amon Amarth were fucking excellent. Really stole the show - even though Destruction who headlined it were excellent also. It was my first time seeing AA Live and they they surpassed my wildest expectations.

Cant wait to try to get to see them again. Hopefully they will return to Irish shores again soon to headline their own gig here.

Amon Amart rule. Yeeeaaahhh.
Eire said:
Indeed this band does rule. They were the only band I got to see that day but man was it well worth it!!!

They were class, weren't they? I was expecting something special but they really blew me away. It would be good to see them do their own full set sometime, would'nt it? Or have you been lucky enough to do so already?
So you were happy for the Norsemen to return to Ireland? I guess these ones were "nicer" than the ones who were there last time, huh? Or did you just feed them more beer?
loool, well incidently, i believe the norsemen were finnally booted out of ireland after a great battle... so no hard feelings now i guess...
Battle of Clontarf. But that didn't include all the ones who'd married and produced kids with Irish lasses. Naw, no hard feelings! It's nice to know that there are at least some equals in this world. Hard to be humble when you're the greatest, you know. Them Irish celts remind us Nores we're human, too. LOL.
Yeah I agree, Ryan air is a bitch. Avoid if possible. As for they AA guys, I was really impressed with them. They are really independant and deal with everything that is put thier direction. I don't think I've met a better band. AA RULE!!!