San Francisco Gig 3/23/03

GoddessHecate said:
Actually, it only took me about 5 minutes to write that. You're not a very nice person, are you Hel.

That's ok, what goes around, comes around.

and the best is yet to come...

That is cool, I did not mean to make you feel bad at all....Um, do you mean HEL from Metal Judgment?? no..actually I review under a different name in the summary judgment section....
Bad? You didn't make me feel bad. Feel sorry for you maybe, with your holier than thou attitude and generally ugly personality you've displayed here, you mustn't make many friends. Just remember, all that ugliness you project will fly around out there and one day come back to you and hit you like a ten ton brick.
no, i mean girls who try to meet the band just so they can fuck them. one night stands are pretty sleazy but these kind of girls are nasty. filth was too strong of a word, i should have said trash or something. they want to be able to say 'i slept with so and so' and be proud of it. doesnt sound like theres much self respect there.
GoddessHecate said:
Bad? You didn't make me feel bad. Feel sorry for you maybe, with your holier than thou attitude and generally ugly personality you've displayed here, you mustn't make many friends. Just remember, all that ugliness you project will fly around out there and one day come back to you and hit you like a ten ton brick.

Well, just to keep you at bay, I have plenty of wonderful friends so please waste your time feeling sorry for someone else dear. And, try not to make such snap judgments. I only stated an opinion, it was not an attitude. What I display on a message board has absolutely nothing to do with my personality in real life, to me it is all nonsense. Since you could not drop the subject, I will end it for you now, here. Thanks for your helpful suggestions, I am sure I will take them to heart....


NP" Gorefest: False
I'm not trying to start a fight. if anything, I am trying to help people see how petty they are by being so critcal and judgemental of other metal fans. in a scene so small, there isn't room for people who put on airs, we need more woman to be into this music, not have them chased away by superior attitudes. I am just hoping for people to be more tolerant and accepting of others. There's enough hate in this world, we don't need it at metal shows.

I come here expecting to see a show review, and what do I see? I see woman putting down other woman! It angers me. In a world where we can hardly get respect from men, it doesn't help when we turn on our own kind. I like when I see more woman at shows, no matter how they are dressed, or who the hell they're trying to sleep with! that is not for me to judge, that is a private decision between consenting adults, and none of my damn business!

If people are comfortable with themselves, they don't need to focus on what others are doing.
Well, I hope you were being sincere when you said " it wasn't really your personality." because your posts were very mean spirited, and I would hope a fellow metal fan would be more nice to their brethren. But They are your words, you put them out there. And I don't think I was incorrect in detecting the 'tude in them.
GoddessHecate said:
Well, I hope you were being sincere when you said " it wasn't really your personality." because your posts were very mean spirited, and I would hope a fellow metal fan would be more nice to their brethren. But They are your words, you put them out there. And I don't think I was incorrect in detecting the 'tude in them.

GoddessHecate: I defintely did not mean to come accross mean spirited...I do not like to start arguments in the slightest. My personality on message boards is far from my real life, because I choose not to base my life around the internet. We always need good metal chicks in this scene, such as you and I to keep things at a balance. I just do not like the "whores" that show up, and do not support the scene in any way but with their vagina. That is all I wanted to point out here. Where do you live anyway?

Our review of the Amon Amarth tour will be up on metal judgment in the next week or so, I was lucky enough to get some really great shots as well!
Well, I am glad we got that cleared up. Actually, my biggest issue was with the double standard that men perpetuate, and you ladies buying into it. And that was actually what I was hoping to have an intelligent "debate" about.

Don't you see, that it's bad enough that most men look around and all they see is "whores" and then we do the same thing? We will never get the respect we deserve as equals if we buy into their way of thinking. I mean, of course you are entitled to your opinion, and I think I can see why you feel so strongly about it. Your boyfriend is in a band, he's out on tour now, you're a bit afraid of what could be going on. So it hits a little close to home. But there are also single people out there, and if they choose to get together, then who are they hurting and who are we to judge? I certainly don't care what other people do with their genitals.

You didn't like when I made a snap judgement about you, well no one does, and yeah, it was wrong. So look at it from another angle. what if the strangers across the room, who see you hanging out with the band, make a snap judgement and start saying the same disrepectful things that you have said about others? What I am trying to say is, you can stop the cycle, and rise above it, by not participating in it. You talk about them, they talk about, this one talks about that one, it never ends, it's catty and then we're all enemies or something. I mean, it doesn't really help the woman's cause, know what I mean?
[Actually, I do know what you mean and a lot of it made perfect sense...Of course I get labeled on a daily basis when I am standing at the merchandise counter doing merch for my boyfriends band....But, I do not give a shit about what other people may think, or say, all I am aware of is myself, and the people closest to me that share in my life....

Whores will be whores, wether they are in the Metal scene, or not....