AA-related dream this night...


Nov 1, 2001
Phew, the best dream I've had in some time!

I was going to a Meshuggah concert in Malmø (which I actually am, next Tuesday) when I missed my buss or something, can't remember. So my mom said she's drive me to the train station which was great, but we WALKED instead. It was out in the forest, near Eremitagen I think, when everything went dark and it started raining like HELL! So my concert ticket was completely wet and the script faded out. Just this moment the mobile starting rining and my mom said "Hey Patric, it's one of your guys". I took the phone and heard a deep Stockholm-style voice saying "Is it the little man?" and I found out it was Johan so I was totally up in the air. I told him about my wet ticket and asked for advice and he said "Just go to the corner of the Bakers with it but beware that you don't get thrown in the oven". (?) But then he told me that they were on tour thru Europe and that they had a camp nearby. So then I just walked in the forest and I saw ALL the AA boys sitting there! "Well, this is the band" Johan said. Ted was just looking at me while Olli was hugging Johan S. like in the Viking Edition booklet. Then they saw that my mom was there so Fredde went "well, we could never THINK of drinking too much, especially not on tour, no ma'm we are the finest boys on earth" but everyone was smiling so I could tell he was kidding. Then Olli walked around with no shirt on and my mom pointed at his belly and said "look-fat!" But then his breast muscles became really big and muscular. Later he startedwrestling with Fredrik.

Is this weird or what? At least I've got it all written down now.
once I dreamt I was in a Children Of Bodom gig
that was fucking cool :p , that was a few days after I bought my ticket for their gig :D
A few weeks ago, I dreamed I was in this theme park, but the theme for the park wasn't Disney or anything cute like that, but Cannibal Corpse. Not your average theme park, I'd say :D
HAHAHA thats awesome, i wish i had cool dreams. my dreams are all about volcanoes, its gets kinda old after a while.
i had a dream a few days ago where i was in the mall talking to some chick and then all of a sudden i was in my wood shop class and amon amarth was playing a show in there! i woke up and was like "what the fuck was that?"... i always woundered what it would be like to play in my shop class! i guess i know now!