Recent content by Hertzy11

  1. H

    Help finding something..

    Arghh XD I'll get mine soon :P!
  2. H

    Help finding something..

    Yeah me too..:S i think it's what i'll do when i'll have a credit card!
  3. H

    Help finding something..

    Hey ! I was on myspace yesterday and found a band named "Lunarsea". I have searched with slsk, google, rapideshare, mediafire etc.. and I still can't find their album named "Route CODE Selector". Anyone has an idea how I can finally find it? Thx. ps: Sorry for my english!
  4. H

    Deathcore/Symphonic/Metalcore stuff?

    Thx a lot man this was a great find!
  5. H

    Underground Band

  6. H

    Underground Band

    Hey sorry if i'm not in the right place to post it. Can some of you can tell me their way to find some great underground band except here in the recommendation and on myspace? When i say underground i mean some band that the majority of the people don't know. ps: Sorry for my english
  7. H

    What do you like ?

    ok maybe and for intestine baalism and wormed?
  8. H

    What do you like ?

    Everything that you can't understand what the singer say (ie. Cannibal corpse.)
  9. H

    What do you like ?

    I think you call it metalcore I'm not really good to know if a band is metalcore, black metal, trash etc.. but here some exemple of the band i like: Faust Again Bridge To Solace Maroon Scar Symmetry Trivium Soilwork All That Remains The Sorrow Heaven Shall Burn Raunchy Parkway Drive...
  10. H

    What do you like ?

    Yeah I like that but when it's too's too deep I guess
  11. H

    What do you like ?

    I don't know if its possible but i'll try by asking.. Is there any tips to help me to pass over the vocal(When you hear nothing except someone "burp" in the mic) in some death metal band? Because I like the music in some songs but the vocal kills it for me everytime.. ps:Sorry for my english
  12. H

    What do you like ?

    Do you take the time to read the lyrics and try to understant what they mean or i'm the only one who DOESN'T do that and don't really care of the lyrics?
  13. H

    What do you like ?

    Yeah I like the riff too but when i hear something like cannibal corpse with vocal like that I try but I don't know why I can't enjoy it.. *I have nothing against Cannibal Corpse*
  14. H

    What do you like ?

    Hey ! I was wondering what make you like a song, album or band? The music, the vocal, The lyrics(Or you just don't care of it)? I was just wondering? ps: Sorry for my english