Recent content by HjordisKjaer

  1. HjordisKjaer

    What are you listening to?

    A mix Behemoth and Lady GaGa ("Ov Fire and Bad Romance") by pallomember (YouTube). Watch here:
  2. HjordisKjaer

    Recent Purchases

    Yesterday i bought 2 COB tshirts (Children of Bodom Hatecrew finland one and a COBHC one with reaper)... so expensive... i'm almost broek now.
  3. HjordisKjaer

    The -- Ask a Question -- Game

    Returning a book to library The last thing you write down on paper?
  4. HjordisKjaer

    What are you listening to?

    Follow the Reaper - Children of Bodom
  5. HjordisKjaer

    The -- Ask a Question -- Game

    Umm... maybe the Mulan, because she was the only one who actually stood up for her self? (I am a feminist :/) Have you ever dropped something into toilet (accident/purpose?)
  6. HjordisKjaer

    JANNE and the New COB Album

    I so miss the older albums, the first 3, when there was a lot of keyboards. I would like so much for there to be more atmospheric styling in the music. As for the "keyboards not belonging on real metal", I do think metal is what you make of it, not that there's a set mold for what metal must be...
  7. HjordisKjaer

    Hottest Men in Metal:

    Most of these have already been mentioned but I couldn't ignore this thread. Mathias Nygård - voice too awesome for word Alexi Laiho - just... just yeah. young Varg Vikernes - this was in the early 90s Mathias "Vreth" Lillmåns - see comment for Alexi Henkka Seppälä - I...
  8. HjordisKjaer

    Do you believe in Extraterrestial Life?

    okay, I'll start with the basics. We're here, yeah? That is unlikely itself, probability that there would be planet with exactly the right oxygen, enough water, all the factors and resources for support us. It's almost 100% in my-opinion that there could be other life forms - not necessarily a...
  9. HjordisKjaer


    Well where ever you are, hi, I'm new. I'm Hjørdis. And yes that is the super O-with-stroke letter. I play guitar and keyboards and sing. I like to be writing songs and lyrics. I hope to join or start a band someday. I'm a student studying in Canada right now, but it changes. I love COB, as well...
  10. HjordisKjaer

    "Hello, I'm new" - Introduce yourself

    Umm. Hi. I'm Hjørdis. And yes that is super O-with-stroke letter. I've contributed to couple of forums now... is this one and the Turisas one. I play guitar and keyboards and I sing. I like to be writing songs and lyrics. I'm a student studying (ofcourse) in Canada right now, but it changes. I...
  11. HjordisKjaer

    Is The Varangian Way a concept album?

    The Varangian Way isn't officially marketed as a concept album but I think a lot of people will/are call it that. It follows a group of Varangians traveling from their homeland (probably somewhere in present-day Nordic countries) to Вели́ки&#1081...
  12. HjordisKjaer

    Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

    ^ exactly. I miss a lot of the black metal elements (and keyboards) in previous albums, but I don't mind the direction they're going in the new (though I do like all their work). Personally my favorite album was AYDY, second is HCD, I didn't listen to them till early 2003. The only good song...
  13. HjordisKjaer

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    "The Varangian Way" - Turisas "Are You Dead Yet?" - Children of Bodom "Nifelvind" - Finntroll