JANNE and the New COB Album

7th COB album needs:

  • More & louder keyboard background elements

    Votes: 59 88.1%
  • No need for more

    Votes: 8 11.9%

  • Total voters


† Followed the Reaper †
Mar 23, 2005
A lot of people think keyboards do not belong in real metal, but I've heard a good amount of fans saying COB should have more of that atmosphere and synthesizers that have been mixed quite low on some occasions on recent albums, so here's a chance for some fans to voice their opinion/taste.

I need to give an example of course. Some cool keyboard parts that I'd prefer louder: Living Dead chorus, Punch Me intro.. why not a little louder? Hellhounds has some awesome strings that could be even louder (intro and chorus.) Also I like the way Janne casts the strings into the last chorus on Banned from Heaven, but it wasn't on the album, just live. These make me shiver when I listen to them on live videos, and not having that on the studio record is a bit of a shame.

Just some examples. Of course it's not the amount of keyboards, it's the quality. Having as much keyboards on Blooddrunk as Follow the Reaper would maybe be out of place... This is just my wish but I respect whatever the band decides to do. But it's important the producer / mixer doesn't have a big influence of opinion on this.
More keyboards definetly! Kissing the Shadows is a fine example of how keyboards are one of the main elements of CoB. It's like a perfect blend.

Later in Are You Dead Yet and Blooddrunk it's like they've cut them in two. Like there's a keyboard part in the song (beginning usually - Tie My Rope, One Day You Will Cry and so on) and then the part with other instruments and vocals.

I want a busier experience so I'd have to listen a song several times to even understand what's going on.
More keybords that's for sure.
Cob has one of the greatest keybord player and they just leave him fucking aroung and drinking on the stage.
Thay should really use more of Janne's talent,i mean,Alexi back in time chose him for that talent i'm talking about
So what' sthe problem?
Give Janne some bottle of whisky and once he's drunk as fuck put the keybord under his fingers :D

Remember what Alexi and Alexandre did when they were drunk in the studio and record that "Hidden keybord solo" after Touch like an angel of death.
I fully blame the lack of keyboards on cob's demise. Follow the reaper, arguably the best album ever written, has lots of dominant keys all throughout. Blooddrunk however, which is probably my most hated album of all time (not because it's a bad album, but because of the direction the band have gone), just doesn't share the same keyboardy atmosphere of some of it's predecessors. The keyboards suit the style of music found in hb/ftr alot more than that found in some of aydy and bd, which is the reason for the lack of them.
I love the keys but I get more excited over his solos and harmonies that he does with Alexi...all the atmosphere stuff I could really care less about.

Either way...good music is good music and that is all I can look forward to. I like the old, but I also like the new direction they seem to be headed in. It's not a bad direction (IMO), just a different direction.
You know, all the unnecessary happy hippy keyboard melodies are an insult to metal, but I refuse to believe music can be better without some quality keyboards in it. I'm a big fan of orchestral choirs and stuff that create mood. I can't see them doing any harm. It's not like it has to be a disco or anything. I just want Janne to hold his other hand on a chord of strings or choirs while he's drinking beer with the other, and not let that fool tune it down while he's not looking.
I so miss the older albums, the first 3, when there was a lot of keyboards. I would like so much for there to be more atmospheric styling in the music. As for the "keyboards not belonging on real metal", I do think metal is what you make of it, not that there's a set mold for what metal must be, otherwise it's "not metal"... I hope they won't kill the keys in this. The recent songs are okay, I don't mind the "new" sound, but I do miss the old stuff... I think the keyboard has a lot to do with it. Janne, come baaaack from obscurity when playing your keyboard!

I wish COB would stay more unique. I'm not a fan of Slayer myself. I'd prefer them to be more like their 3rd, 4th, and a bit of 5th album. The 6th album was okay, but if they keep going in this direction... they don't seem Bodom-like anymore to me.
I'm pretty sure everyone wants more Janne as the keyboards/atmosphere combined with the unique riffs and vocals and arrangements are what made CoB the band they are. Some of the stuff in Blooddrunk was a good return but honestly I'd really like to see some huge atmospheric synth stuff showing what Janne can compose (he's an amazing musician, to stifle his ability is criminal) and then of course the typical solo battles. If it becomes melodic death/power/thrash then so be it but if they can meld that atmosphere with the thrashy and groovy elements and give Janne a bigger part again that'd be great; my anticipation to hear some of this album is extremely high.
I love the keyboard and synth parts. I think the elements that COB blends together in their music is what makes them stand apart from the other melodic death bands (for argument's sake, that's the label I will put on their genre). I liked Blooddrunk, a lot, but it definitely was a change, a big part of that being less of the awesome keyboard intros and whatnot. So yeah, I hope they do a blend of the FTR/HCDR and the new BD thrashier styles, but incoporate as much if not more of Janne's playing. I also miss the spoken/sample parts before Follow the Reaper, Sixpounder, Warheart and Angels Don't Kill. Those were also missing entirely from BD.
Studio is on the door so lets hope Shakma notices this thread.

Korg X5´s as controllers, Roland XV5050 as sound modules (CoB live)
Just got a Nord Wave for the studio sessions for the next album.

This one? I guess you need to transpose an octave + or - when playing the guitar supporting lowest notes and the highest notes of solos (as there's just 4 octaves instead of the Korg X5's 5..) Was there some particular reason you picked this? Some new sound experiments? How much synthesizers will there be in the new stuff compared to past albums? Reveal something for us impatient ones..

It will be ridicilous if this goes unnoticed.

Look at the results.. The line for no more synths is like a midget's dick after a dip in an ice hole with sharks while being threatened with a knife, compared to the more synths and louder synths line.. which is like a majestic negro cock..
It will be ridicilous if this goes unnoticed.

Look at the results.. The line for no more synths is like a midget's dick after a dip in an ice hole with sharks while being threatened with a knife, compared to the more synths and louder synths line.. which is like a majestic negro cock..
Your comparisons for the Poll options made me fucking lol:grin:
It will be ridicilous if this goes unnoticed.

Look at the results.. The line for no more synths is like a midget's dick after a dip in an ice hole with sharks while being threatened with a knife, compared to the more synths and louder synths line.. which is like a majestic negro cock..

Yeah, I guess they want to make exactly the music their *fans* want to hear!

Studio is on the door so lets hope Shakma notices this thread.

This one? I guess you need to transpose an octave + or - when playing the guitar supporting lowest notes and the highest notes of solos (as there's just 4 octaves instead of the Korg X5's 5..)
He doesnt need to play with the nordwave's keyboard.
Yeah, I guess they want to make exactly the music their *fans* want to hear!

"Exactly the music their fans want to hear".. by having the synths a bit louder? It's just a little thing.. and I think especially if COB is not 100% comfortable with the new album, at least they could do that.. I guess you voted 'no' just for the sake of disagreeing with me :D 90% say yes, so don't blame me.. I'm sorry I just can't understand why the keyboard parts I mentioned in the original post are silenced for the albums.. it's causing me gray hair. And I'm sure if Janne ever sees this he's gonna tell me to fuck off and not interrupt with what they're doing :D But the blue album is still the fans' favourite (as voted in my poll some year or two back) and it's not for no reason..
Ye i'm assuming Janne will still be using the same midi controller, but just use some of the sounds off of his new nord keyboard.