Recent content by HvM

  1. H

    Chris' new upcoming 2009 7-string build!

    I completely agree with you! Since I bought my first 7 I come to a conclusion (my conlusion either way :-) that guitars should have had 7 strings from the start, because of what you and Chris are refering. Once you get used to the 7 string, It's easier to play because you don't have to run...
  2. H

    Chris' Guitar Action

    For two-handed tapping you usually, but not always, you would want the action very low. But because you will probably use your pick to play with it, set it up in a way that a pick can be between the 6 string and fretboard in the twelfth fret...also check if the strings don't hit the fret wire...
  3. H

    concerns about guitar body damage

    guitar = girlfriend !
  4. H

    Chris using Ibanez (6 string) S series?

    Well, changing from 6 string to 7 string is not as easy as it seems. It has it's learning curve, and the majority of people don't get used to a 7 string, if it was easier more people would be using them. Plus, there is that way of thinking that, a low B string is only for getting lower riffs and...
  5. H

    Question for Chris: How do you learn new songs?

    Hey Chris, I would like to ask you how do you learn new songs? What techniques did you come up with over the years to learn new songs quickly? I presume you probably: break songs in parts, get the key notes, etc.? But how do you memorize everything so quickly?...I mean the mental part of...
  6. H

    No Surprise Here...............

    "he plays the catalog better than anyone did. " What I said in another post!...He's playing solos in live shows faithful to the albums! I think we are watching the arise of a new (previously unknown/hidden) guitar hero!
  7. H

    Chris using Ibanez (6 string) S series?

    At the level Megadeth and now Chris plays, having an endorsement is more of a personal thing. There are too many things to consider. Someone can pursuade him towards a specific company, that's a fact...but in my opinion, as Chris already endorsees the Ibanez giant, I see it dificult for Ibanez...
  8. H

    Chris using Ibanez (6 string) S series?

    That just shows the professional he is towards his music endeavours! (With this, I just learned something for myself). I was kind of disapointed to see a 7 string player "going back" (I'm not saying that it's going backwards) to 6 strings, but with that kind of statment he completely removed...
  9. H

    Chris using Ibanez (6 string) S series?

    Ok, my turn to guess. I think Chris just played that 6 string to make us comment about it! :P
  10. H

    Are you coming to Portugal Chris?

    Hey thanks. I've also noticed that it's scheduled in Chris's Myspace page. Cheers, Hugo
  11. H

    Are you coming to Portugal Chris?

    Hi Chris, The Priest Fest is coming to Portugal next month, I just bought the tickets, but the promoters are announcing "Judas Priest and guests". From what I know about the Priest Fest in other countries, the bands present at the show are Judas Priest, Megadeth and Testament...that would...
  12. H


    ...forgot to mention that, I asked that because I'm Portuguese! :) Cheers, Hugo
  13. H

    Chris & Di Marzio!!!

    I'm too waiting for an RGA7!
  14. H


    Hey wait a minute...aren't you from Portuguese descent? Your last name "Cabral" is a Portuguese name. :-) Cheers, Hugo V. Monteiro
  15. H

    Solo Album

    Solo Album!? How about an Instrutional Video!!!? That would be absolutely cool !!!