Chris using Ibanez (6 string) S series?


New Metal Member
Feb 15, 2009
The priest feast tour has shown that now Chris is using 6 strings (at least with megadeth) in the form of 2 S series, one in flat black with "Megadeth" written across it and another which is (from what I could tell, he didn't use it, just saw it from the stand) red.

Can anyone (maybe Chris himself even) shed any information on this?
Why the change from seven to six?
Why from RG to S?
Etc etc.
(picture from the Birmingham Priest Feast just for you who haven't/won't be able to see the new S)
I think it has to do with the cost of strings. Think about it! Megadeth songs weren't written for 7 string, and Chris therefore adapted some parts to play on the low b (Hiza!).

That isn't really a problem if you think about how convenient not adjusting positions is, but you have to keep in mind how much he uses that low string. Which MAY be a few times every song or two.

So if he were to play say two 6 strings a night instead of two 7 strings, right there you save on potentially 2-3 dollars worth of strings a night. Now times that by the amount of shows Mega would play in a tour, lets say 40 shows. The cost of that low B alone would be 80+ dollars.

Therefore it is more cost efficient for Chris to play a 6 string, UNLESS he and Dave were up to no good and recorded 7 string stuff!

(ps. I just gave blood and this seems like an incredibly clever response!)
Hah, it was quite a clever response, though a very unlikely one, kudos for the smart thinkin' though ;)

Someone over at Jemsite said that it was James Lomenzo and Andy Sneap who asked Chris to play 6 strings, another person said that Mustaine had asked him to use 6 strings, questioning his "attack" on the E string, obviously needing the miss out the low B string he felt it was sacrificing some of the attack.

Though apparently it was not Dave who requested this, I'll choose to put both sources toghether and say that James Lomenzo and Andy Sneap were the ones questioning the low E attack. :)
I think it has to do with the cost of strings. Think about it! Megadeth songs weren't written for 7 string, and Chris therefore adapted some parts to play on the low b (Hiza!).

That isn't really a problem if you think about how convenient not adjusting positions is, but you have to keep in mind how much he uses that low string. Which MAY be a few times every song or two.

So if he were to play say two 6 strings a night instead of two 7 strings, right there you save on potentially 2-3 dollars worth of strings a night. Now times that by the amount of shows Mega would play in a tour, lets say 40 shows. The cost of that low B alone would be 80+ dollars.

Therefore it is more cost efficient for Chris to play a 6 string, UNLESS he and Dave were up to no good and recorded 7 string stuff!

(ps. I just gave blood and this seems like an incredibly clever response!)

hehe, sorry, dude. but I think that seems like a not so clever response! ... now think about the amount of cables needed... think about paying light tecs, FoH and monitor soundmen, mercher, pryo technicians, a video show maybe (at least, if this appears at a Megadeth gig). tour manager, bus drivers (the place those like 20 dummy speakers waste is huge^^)

a low B string is the last problem a band like Megadeth (or any other band) has .
plus Chris is endorsed, right? he won't have to pay, or just few for that string...
no, without any offense to you!
twist the thought around- he isn't using the string during gig, so it's not necessary to change it that often.

other than that, I don't have a guess on my own, so who am I? :Smug:
Chris please tell us!
hehe, sorry, dude. but I think that seems like a not so clever response! ... now think about the amount of cables needed... think about paying light tecs, FoH and monitor soundmen, mercher, pryo technicians, a video show maybe (at least, if this appears at a Megadeth gig). tour manager, bus drivers (the place those like 20 dummy speakers waste is huge^^)

a low B string is the last problem a band like Megadeth (or any other band) has .
plus Chris is endorsed, right? he won't have to pay, or just few for that string...
no, without any offense to you!
twist the thought around- he isn't using the string during gig, so it's not necessary to change it that often.

other than that, I don't have a guess on my own, so who am I? :Smug:
Chris please tell us!

It's funny when you realize that is probably the silliest reason someone would give for switching to a 6 string.
i noticed the 6 strings myself i had to look twice it was a sad day ...haha just joking..i just figured it was because the whole set list is written on 6 strings so the 7th is probably just in the way at this point seems more economical i guess, but i also noticed chris is using marshall amps now ? thats a suprise..i wonder why he decided to change from engl to marshall
but i also noticed chris is using marshall amps now ? thats a suprise..i wonder why he decided to change from engl to marshall

My guess is that the huge wall of Marshalls aren't all working, well, maybe are, but I thought they were probably a "front" as Mustaine is now endorsed by Marshall. I assumd Chris' ENGLs were backstage, as to not break the symmetry in the stage look or something.
Just a wild guess, but if Zakk Wylde can do it with Marshall MGs, Chris can with the ones Dave uses ;)
they most certainly won't all fire at once. maybe 2 speakers, or so. it' s always that way, really.
hmm, it was the priest feast, right? I think their guitarists use Marshall and it would be too much of an exchange to put the ENGL wall there.. Chris' heads and speaker might, indeed, be backstage?
Chris, come on, now that you use a string less, you should have enough time to answer (not that's a smart thought, isn't it?^^ )

take care
I noticed the Marshalls myself, in the Dublin show, so if anyone's wondering, that wall of Marshalls was there from the very start of the tour, hehe.
Like someone mentioned, I guess it's just a front, and I'm sure this may be because of the trouble of having to wheel in the Engl cabs, but since they're on wheels, why not? Wouldn't hurt anyone, haha. Maybe the priest guys were using the same cabs, I don't know. Left before Priest came on, just wasn't interested. Not a leather queen type of guy, I guess :p

Anyway, onto the S series Ibanez.
If he's not using the low B, then why change it? It doesnt gunk up then, as quickly, so why go through the bother of swapping it out. There goes that theory that zak1 suggested.

No one mentioned the fact that Chris tunes to Bb, and his 7th was a .70 I believe, I think it would be way, way easier to just go up a gauge and a semitone, nevermind the .65 or so for the B, and use a 6 string instead. Would make sense from the whole "E attack" standpoint, Chris's tech would have one less string to worry about when balancing the floyd, Dave would be happy, and maybe some other stuff. One thing I don't get is the compromise in the feel of the instrument. I'm sure Chris can damn well hit the E, and to sacrifice the comfort of your hand getting used to one specific type of neck in the end of all those years, I just don't get it. Smells like Mustaines decision. I respect the man, but if you want a hired gun, get used to the man's arsenal. :)

No words on this on Chris's site either. I checked the web archives from last year before the change to Ernie Ball, and no info either. Maybe someone will ask this on the official Megadeth board...
Chris is playing the 6 string S guitars for 2 reasons 1. Chris loves the zr2 trem that ibanez makes and they are not stock on the rgs
2. Chris loves the 7 string models but it was a band decision to make the change and Chris is a team player.
It has nothing to do with string cost or problems hitting the E string.
Noticed Chris' switch to 6-strings for Megadeth myself and have held off in posting, but I would say a pretty good explanation is:
Chris loves the 7 string models but it was a band decision to make the change and Chris is a team player.

Word had been "floating" around for a little while that Dave Mustaine had made the comment, " Andy Sneap and James had a talk with him about how you can't really dig in on the down-picking on the E-string with a 7 string guitar; that we don't have any 7 string stuff; and Chris being the pro that he is, went right out and had his guitar company make him two 6 strings. I think that the guitar company that snags him is going to be lucky."

And low-and-behold turns out to be true. I even noticed the "In The studio pics" in Revolver Magazine that there was a Marshall sitting there and no Engl ( at that time anyways ). All are good respectacle ( and high profile ) companies for Chris and sometimes maybe even able to do more as far as accomodating high profile artists/endorsements, etc. - I like Dimarzio stuff myself!

That being said, kudos to Chris for being the "team player", there's no one technique/playing-wise and being the modest down-to-earth guy that he is - that deserves it more! I'm glad Chris has finally found a "high profile" band that has enlightened many other players out there of his abilities - whom may have not known other wise. Exposure is all part of the process if there ever is to be a "CB Signature model"!

There's probably been no one more in the 7-string community that has waived the " 7 Flag" more than Chris and with his recent aquisition of 2 new LACS 7's - I'm sure he hasn't left them far behind - as testament to the Simon Phillip's Tribute Concert ( still waiting to see pics of the white translucent one )! I will miss Chris' signature 5-octave arpeggio lick with Megadeth though...

And if Chris ever does tire, he can always sell me one of his LACS 7's Ha!
It's totally a trend. 6-strings are just trendy right now. Tr00 guitar players use 11 or more strings. :danceboy:

I was talking with Chris about this last night, and he says "It's part of the brand of Megadeth. I am a 7 String player and always will be, but whilst I'm in Megadeth, I'll be using 6's".

Likewise, he went on to say he's not using the ENGL's for Megadeth either.
My guess is that the huge wall of Marshalls aren't all working, well, maybe are, but I thought they were probably a "front" as Mustaine is now endorsed by Marshall. I assumd Chris' ENGLs were backstage, as to not break the symmetry in the stage look or something.
Just a wild guess, but if Zakk Wylde can do it with Marshall MGs, Chris can with the ones Dave uses ;)

Neither Mustane nor Broderick are using Marshalls. They are just there for the iconic image on stage of a wall of stacks, endorsed by Marshall. They're both actually using Digitech rack mounts, which gives them the sound they want, and a hell of a lot easier to soundcheck.
This doesn't surprise me too much, I didn't think that the 7 string would really fit with Megadeth's style that well, and playing 6 string stuff even on a 7 string is a bitch.

I'm personally more surprised Mustaine hasn't persuaded [forced] Broderick to start playing Dean yet.
I was talking with Chris about this last night, and he says "It's part of the brand of Megadeth. I am a 7 String player and always will be, but whilst I'm in Megadeth, I'll be using 6's".

Likewise, he went on to say he's not using the ENGL's for Megadeth either.

That just shows the professional he is towards his music endeavours! (With this, I just learned something for myself).

I was kind of disapointed to see a 7 string player "going back" (I'm not saying that it's going backwards) to 6 strings, but with that kind of statment he completely removed my worries...not that I or anyone else had something to say about my opinion...Hey, this even shows the versatile player he his and is becoming: playing acoustic guitar, flamenco, Jazz, 7 strings, 6 strings, etc.

Either way, I went to see Megadeth in Priest Fest yesterday, at Lisbon, and I took some pictures of the show...Chris was using two Ibanez S series, one blue (I believe) with Megadeth logo and another one red.
I don't really like the S series visual aspect, specially the solid colors they have..they aren't very heavy-metal :headbang: for me. But either way... It would be very cool if Chris asked Ibanez to build 2 LAC models identical to his two 7s, but with 6 strings! :)

The show was really cool...I really like everyone's stage presence, the stage is very well thought with Chris and James shadow's projected in the back of the stage, with various light effects, very cool!
The sound was amazingly tight! As I am also a guitar player, with some years of music studies with hear training and stuff, and having a very sensitive hear, I find absolutely amazing that Chris can play all the Marty and Chris Poland's lead solos almost accurately with almost the same feeling...I know some of Marty's solos by hear, the articulation, nuances and feeling...and Chris accurately reproduces the solos exactly has they are recorded in the album.
Quoting Dave's phrase "(...)I think that the guitar company that snags him is going to be lucky." I make Darin J Moore's words my own when saying that "I'm glad Chris has finally found a "high profile" band that has enlightened many other players out there of his abilities ".

He well deserves it! Since a long time ago...I don't even know him and never spoke with him.... but by hearing others and seeing his attitude towards everything that happened to him...I really believe he well deserves it!

This doesn't surprise me too much, I didn't think that the 7 string would really fit with Megadeth's style that well, and playing 6 string stuff even on a 7 string is a bitch.

I'm personally more surprised Mustaine hasn't persuaded [forced] Broderick to start playing Dean yet.

At the level Megadeth and now Chris plays, having an endorsement is more of a personal thing. There are too many things to consider. Someone can pursuade him towards a specific company, that's a fact...but in my opinion, as Chris already endorsees the Ibanez giant, I see it dificult for Ibanez to let go Chris now that he's starting to get the deserved highlight...even so...everything can happen! :)

Why should Dave want him to play Dean? Dave played with so many brands himself and I personally think he likes them all for different reasons so doesn't really care what Chris plays with. 6 string for Megadeth, that sounds totally normal to me, I would've think it's strange that he'd stay playing 7 strings, it doesn't fit with Megadeth. Why a change to the S series? Maybe a simple reason: it's just fun to play with different gear from time to time :)