Recent content by I-F 2.0 (Cause Its Cool To Do)

  1. I-F 2.0 (Cause Its Cool To Do)

    Spirit of The Soldier

    Lyrics! Lyrics! Lyrics! Lyrics!
  2. I-F 2.0 (Cause Its Cool To Do)

    2 Greatest VEHE songs, & the new album.

    Dude, I'm dying to hear Sprit of The Soldier! PLEASE!!!!! At least lets have the lyrics!
  3. I-F 2.0 (Cause Its Cool To Do)

    UFC - Ultimate Fighting Championship

    My teacher was an UF.
  4. I-F 2.0 (Cause Its Cool To Do)

    3 word story

    he whipped out
  5. I-F 2.0 (Cause Its Cool To Do)

    I just got back from the Hospital and...

    Yeah, sounds about right, thats the "Health Care" you have the "right" to...which is bullshit isn't it? :lol: Health Care isn't a right.
  6. I-F 2.0 (Cause Its Cool To Do)

    3 word story

    Gapping sticky sphincter
  7. I-F 2.0 (Cause Its Cool To Do)

    Say something nice about the previous person game

    ^hasn't been burned alive in the CA fires
  8. I-F 2.0 (Cause Its Cool To Do)

    opeth realized most of their fans are assholes

    Yes, we are the Opeth fans, and we're here to fuck you.
  9. I-F 2.0 (Cause Its Cool To Do)

    Metalblade tryin' to cash in on Metalcore

    If thats true, I'd take hardcore over Nu-Metal ANY DAY!
  10. I-F 2.0 (Cause Its Cool To Do)

    Metalblade tryin' to cash in on Metalcore

    The way I look at is I see kids at my school (old school actualy) walking around with Unearth shirts, and them being on the same lable as Vehemence...maybe that Unearth shirt will be turned into a Vehemence shirt ;) :lol: Its good for Vehemence IMO
  11. I-F 2.0 (Cause Its Cool To Do)

    Kill For God Lyrics

    Weee! :kickass:
  12. I-F 2.0 (Cause Its Cool To Do)

    Kill For God Lyrics

    I disagree with a lot of it... What happend to your mind, why must we all die. Only way to fix it, is to kill your god. "I should take this moment to thank you for helping the world to see our religion is to blame for the end of humanity now you take over by strapping a bomb to your chest...
  13. I-F 2.0 (Cause Its Cool To Do)

    What song on God Was Created is your favorite? POLL

    Definatly She Never Noticed Me