Spirit Of A Soldier

YO NIGGAH im hearing them up when you see jiohan hegg CALL THE COPS!! AND now you hear the vehemcen!! i hear facial hair yo whadda fuck i swear i get a goatee that is RFED ca red cause im danish all ye niggaz im yo bro i live in a slef made prison, always trying to find myselkf a way out the cops coulxdnt buy me im the metalhead you love to head BILLLY MILANO!!!!!!!!!!!!
christcrusher said:
HAHAHAHA...I do, jk....There is this dude in my History 3 class that looks like Jesus....He got dubbed "the black jesus" (by me and my commrades) because he is so god aweful ugly. That and he also can represent the plauge of Jesus. But even Jesus was hotter than this dude.

Speaking of ugliness, there is this other dude that sits in front of me in the same class, and he looks as if he has a full head of pubic hair- for hair! It is nasty, I want to barf everytime he sits in front of me.

Hahhaha LOL :lol: :lol: :lol: that cracks me up every fucking time I read it, funny fucking thing cause my Indian friend calls himself that also and uh, I'm the creole Jesus...which is because it's sounds more sexy than Danish Jesus. now I bettah start working on that Johan H beard uuuh jaaa...
Vehemence - Kill For God

Kill For God, Kill For Today and Kill For God (repeated)

Where has the world gone? Where is the world of the lord?
What happened to living for the sake of life?
What kind of god tells you to die?
?,such a waste of life

Kill for Today and Kill For God-

I should take this moment
to thank you for helping the world to see
our religion is to blame for the end of humanity
now you take over by strapping a bomb to your chest
maybe ill see you later, when the time is right


What happened to your bond(God)?
Why must we all die?
The only way to be safe is to KILL YOUR GOD !

the only way.....the only way (fade out)

that was all I could make out and some might be wrong but it should still do.....fucking amazing piece guys, this will easily be one of the top albums of next year, the wait is too fucking much but what can you do? just blast the old vehemence tunes for the time being, good luck and thanks alot for the amazing and inspirational music.

by the way ive been working on tabbing this song already and just wanted to make sure you guys recorded it in B tuning? as well as the tunings on God Was Created, again if you dont feel like letting this information go ill understand :D