Recent content by ILoveMetal

  1. I

    Bitter Metallic Side

    Bitter Metallic Side is a badass song, i love the chorus...'so great the sea, so small your boat...' yea all of that is hella tight, but yea the other albums are by far better. Evil in You on swamplord is badass, as is alteration, hades, and dance of the water...they will return is even better...
  2. I

    "Swampsong" Song Survivor - Round 1

    I dont know what u guys are talking about, man with mystery fucking kicks ass, i think u guys need to listen to it again.
  3. I

    Official Kalmah Merchandise

    For someone in the US...what was the exact amount of US dollars u transferred over from your bank account to theirs for a tshirt? I dont know the conversions so that would be extremely helpful...also, i noticed that theres nowhere to enter a state when u enter the address info, so how did u...
  4. I

    what would you like to see in kalmah future album

    I want to see them go back to the intricacy and melodic depth that they had in their previous albums...while i really like the new album, i really feel like the black waltz is kind of 'dumbed down' as compared to the last thinking they did this to make their songs more playable on...
  5. I

    Official Kalmah Merchandise

    Im a little worried about ordering anything...first of all, do we even know if they accept US dollars? do we even know if they ship to the US? they dont ask for a state when u fill in the shipping address...and how long can we expect the shipment to take if they do ship to the US? 4-6 weeks...
  6. I

    Official Kalmah Merchandise

    I dont really get it...i went through the whole ordering process and it took my order but it never asked for any method of are they just gonna send it to me and have me pay later??? And can we pay in dollars even though they are asking for Euros? Im confused...
  7. I

    Official Kalmah Merchandise

    Will the merchandise be able to be shipped to the USA?
  8. I

    Old Material

    I've heard all of their albums, I own them all, when i say old material i mean stuff from the old demo albums. I'd really like to hear the original version of the black waltz.
  9. I

    Old Material

    I love the Black Waltz, and I think it would be really cool if we were able to hear some of the old material, since I have heard that The Black Waltz and Svieri Doroga were remakes of songs from the old demo albums. Sooo Kalmah if you are listening, you should post the old Black Waltz song or a...
  10. I

    The Black Waltz

    The Black Waltz is fucking amazing, just like I knew it would be. From the first song I heard I knew it was going to kick ass. Kalmah just seems to get better and better with each album. I'll admit that the solos do seem a little toned down on this latest album, but it's not that big of a deal...