Recent content by in5150wetrust

  1. I

    Testing GuitarHack's Impulses and POD HD

    Vice, Me too the everything about that disc is just awesome to me. I used multiple impulses of the fredman style micing technique in the GuitarHack impulses pack that is here on the forum. Any suggestions on a combination from that pack? Unfortunately I don't have any DI's straight from the...
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    Testing GuitarHack's Impulses and POD HD

    Finally decided to check out how my POD HD 300 sounds with GuitarHack's impulses. It's a HUGE improvement over the line 6 cabs and I definitely am feeling the tone. It's got quite a bit of room for improvement so I decided to record a quick cover of In Flames' Dead End for kicks and grins. Any...
  3. I

    Metal song with Recabinet 3

    On second listening to this, it sounds like you're going for a guitar sound similar to Deadlock. Give a listen to some of their stuff, A/B it with your guitar tone and I think that will give you some insight as to where you might want to go with that tone. That being said, I think it only...
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    Metal song with Recabinet 3

    I agree that this is boxy, the tone is great and everything is well mixed, it just sounds really weird. This will be really awesome once that part of it all is figured out. What was the set up for the guitar on this track?
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    2 songs with New Seymour Duncan Blackout AHB-3

    The master bus is definitely a little hot, kick cutting into the highs on the first track as well. Mix-wise though this is definitely shredding What're you using to master this? I've found that Logic Pro has some awesome stock mastering plug-ins that are very transparent including a multi-band...
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    Metal Mix have some questions!

    a friend and myself have started getting the gear together to start a smaller studio more geared toward local bands on a very tight budget but without sacrificing overall sound quality. We've gotten just about everything set up besides room treatment unfortunately and I had some questions about...
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    Mmmm schvifty von schvify goodness

    Soundclick - MySpace - Check it out let me know what you think or send us a message on myspace!
  8. I

    Just got a Maxon OD9!!!! WHOOO

    Andy Sneap style is sm57 on the edge of the dustcap moved til you like the sound. I'm sure a ton of people use this for their guitar sounds and whatnot but this is where I first found out about it so thats just why I called it that.
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    Just got a Maxon OD9!!!! WHOOO

    It's all done! link is in the first post! Thanks a ton guys.
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    Just got a Maxon OD9!!!! WHOOO

    not much processing done here, eq and compressor thats about it. I think the main thing is we did 2 takes per guitar the first take was lead channel and really beefy with some pretty high gain. The second take was the rhythm channel and was much more defined and had some higher mids so the...
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    Just got a Maxon OD9!!!! WHOOO

    This was my home setup, with andy sneap style micing, into my mbox hooked up to a mac mini 1.25ghz G4. not much to it really cab was in my bedroom and we were in the adjacent office. thats the reason we used DFH because I just don't have a good enough setup to get even a passable drum sound...
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    Just got a Maxon OD9!!!! WHOOO

    unfortunately I wasn't able to get the upload to work lastnight, so thats why I signed up for soundclick. but I'll try again when i get off work. Thanks a lot for the comments I appreciate it. all I have to say is they make a huuuge difference. There's only a 5150 sig. in there nothin else.
  13. I

    Just got a Maxon OD9!!!! WHOOO FINISHED SONG UP NOW! This is my first recording with my new OD9. It's a new song for my bands' myspace. I must say I'm diggin it quite a bit. this song is DFH drums, 5150, Almighty Guitar cab w. v30's. Guitars are a ltd DV8-R and an...
  14. I

    Looking for a studio in the Chicagoland area

    My band is looking to record a sweet 3-5 track demo sometime hopefully before the end of the year and I was wondering if anyone knew of or owned an awesome studio in the area. We're from Crystal Lake, IL which is about 50 miles northwest of Chicago. We're also looking to spend some dough so if...
  15. I

    Metal clip 5150 and DFH

    Hahah No I know that'll sound like crap, but if I did it just a little bit. I'm at work right now so I can't check, but I believe I just left them both at the default level which is about even. I was just asking if I cut a little bit on the top mic and boosted the bottom a little if that would help.