Testing GuitarHack's Impulses and POD HD


New Metal Member
Sep 28, 2006
Finally decided to check out how my POD HD 300 sounds with GuitarHack's impulses. It's a HUGE improvement over the line 6 cabs and I definitely am feeling the tone. It's got quite a bit of room for improvement so I decided to record a quick cover of In Flames' Dead End for kicks and grins. Any tips or feedback?

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I love this record, and this track in particular. I would recommend using a combination of impulses through something like NadIr and then eq-ing them so there breathe a little more and sound less boxy. The kick and snare are also damaging your mix, fortunately, there's tons of stuff about drums sround here. Any chance you could upload the DI?
The biggest problem I have with that tone is that I honestly don't hear a thing you're playing - It's just mud. Try getting some more definition. Also the kick is a bit too loud!
To echo what's been said. The guitars are too scooped, and the drums need work. But they would probably gel much better if there were bass on this.

Also, I still jam to that old Nora EP from time to time haha
Vice, Me too the everything about that disc is just awesome to me. I used multiple impulses of the fredman style micing technique in the GuitarHack impulses pack that is here on the forum. Any suggestions on a combination from that pack? Unfortunately I don't have any DI's straight from the guitar :( , an issue I plan on having fixed before I actually finish this cover. The song is pretty easy up to that part so I can generally get it recorded pretty quickly again when I do. As for the drums those were super quick, I loaded the Devin Townsend preset and played with the kick and snare because they weren't all that cool to me, can't say I fixed anything there though. Had to take my POD to my bassist's and decided to leave it for a day so I'll post a re-upload of the tune when I get that, probably tomorrow sometime.

Christian I'll probably steal his bass if he lets me because I'm real sick of making ghetto bass by pitch shifting my clean guitars down an octave. I've also thought about looking into bass virtual instruments, but have barely just begun looking into those. Made me smile by the way, I love going back and just jammin to all the bands we used to play with back around then, glad you're still enjoying it man!

Thanks for the feedback guys, I'll be sure to update this post again when I hopefully improve it a little bit.
Not to hijack the thread, but I just posted a video guide on using the HD series with impulses:

I don't use GuitarHack impulses specifically, but some of the EQ tips at the end (6:22) might be helpful. :)
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