Recent content by innovine

  1. I

    Something like Amenra?

    Please recommend to me some bands like Amenra... I like the dark, heavy and hypnotic pace. I'm not really a fan of growling or screaming in general, but in Amenra's case I think it works. I think Amenra have a special droning, simplistic, measured quality that I can't really put in better...
  2. I

    Guitar/pickup advice

    I've ordered the EC-1000 vb with jb/59's. Thanks for pointing it out to me, from what I've read it'll be great. Can't wait to get it :)
  3. I

    Guitar/pickup advice

    Thanks for taking the time to reply. Here's the sort of sound I'm after, I really like the intro guitar tone I like the Ibanez (its a ARZ800 not 700) looks, but from a quick test and reading about it it seems to be an aggressive metal guitar, and not much else. How much of the agression comes...
  4. I

    Guitar/pickup advice

    I am looking for a recommendation for a nice guitar and pickups. I am into post-metal and post-rock bands like Long Distance Calling, Pelican, Russian Circles, This Will Destroy You, and so on. Low, crushing heavy tones, and soft warm cleans. Would the Ibanez ARZ700 be a good choice? Its got...
  5. I

    common drum production tips?

    I wonder if anyone can share some common metal drum production tips? I have a roland TD-12 e-kit and am trying to design some decent sounding metal kits. Any tips related to cymbal sizes and sustain, compression, reverb use and eq and stuff like that would be awesome. Just looking for some...