Recent content by IOnceWasLegend

  1. I

    Format C: For Cortex

    I just picked up Damage Done the other day, though I'd heard a few songs off it before, and started reading the lyrics (I love reading, and lyrics are one of the most important aspects of a song to me). After reading the lyrics, and listening to the song, it hit me like a song hasn't hit me in a...
  2. I

    Tyranny and Bloodshred

    I'd have to say either Terminus or Wonders at Your Feet. Terminus because it was the first time since nearly three years ago I got that absolutely awesome feeling of awe and insanity I've been waiting for ever since, Wonders at Your Feet because the same thing happened and that's one of my...
  3. I

    Which cd did you just buy?

    Just picked up Haven and Damage Done yesterday; was originally only gonna pick up Damage Done, but snagged Haven for only $8. :)
  4. I

    Tyranny and Bloodshred

    I know the feeling, man. I saw DT on Thursday, and during Arch Enemy's set I was shoved out of the way by a couple security guards, one of which was holding a badly bleeding nose, and the other was dragging this smartass punk; apparently he'd punched the guard, and they took him outside and just...
  5. I

    ---> new to the forum? introduce yourself here <---

    Hey, all, my name is Josh. I'm a biologist with a streak of metal drummer, and have just been getting into DT over the last few months. Glad to meet you all.
  6. I


    Just saw them last night in San Francisco, and, if memory serves, the set was: Terminus The Lesser Faith The Treason Wall Wonders at Your Feet Focus Shift Inside the Particle Storm Punish My Heaven The Final Resistance Hope that helps!