Recent content by Jamillah_Shjr

  1. Jamillah_Shjr

    Your impressions about The Never Ending Way Of ORwarriOR.

    ahh! less than a month for me! from the new songs i've listened, i can tell this abulm is going to be monumental!
  2. Jamillah_Shjr

    US Tour???

    ^^yes, thanks, i do hope so, it would be my first time in an OL show
  3. Jamillah_Shjr

    Introducing ourselves.

    Hi, thanks, nice to meet you to :wave: Really? I never heard of her, i'll google her, too Yeah it was shocking to learn, i mean you grow up thinking of yourself as something trying to form your identity, then something like this shakes your reality
  4. Jamillah_Shjr

    US Tour???

    i just hope OL comes somewhere close to the south, i would drive myself there as long as it was less than two states away!
  5. Jamillah_Shjr

    Disciples of the sacred oath II

    thanks for posting the lyrics, they are amazing. i specially love this part it reminded me of this: "The blood of Abraham, God's father of the chosen, still flows in the veins of Arab, Jew, and Christian, and too much of it has been spilled in grasping for the inheritance of the revered...
  6. Jamillah_Shjr

    Introducing ourselves.

    Hi, thanks guys, i really appreciate it. it feels like a very close community here. it is very interesting, so it won't be a problem to contribute :) well i took dance classes in high school by mistake and i ended up liking it, so i looked for other types of dances and i asked my dance...
  7. Jamillah_Shjr

    Disciples of the sacred oath II

    Wow, harika! unbelievable! :Peace
  8. Jamillah_Shjr

    Introducing ourselves.

    As-Salamu Alaykum, Shalom aleichem, La paix de Dieu soit avec vous , La paz de Dios este con vosotros, May God's peace be with you, My name is Isaura, i am 19 years old, i currently reside in USA, Texas. I am originally from Mexico and my native language is spanish. Well like most...