Recent content by jax8u

  1. J

    the video is cool

    I'm back I just wanted to say you are a damn good man.I hope you and your future wife have many years happiness.This whole thing is not my style.It may make you feel good about yourself but not me.Go ahead and take another shot but thats it for me.When I lay my head down at night I want to feel...
  2. J

    the video is cool

    Just got back from a nice piss off ,thank you.Since you and I are really good friends now,I would like to send you a box of old clothes my seven year old son grew out of.Let me know where to send them.Are you having a bad day?Your strong use of profanity has surprisingly taken your usual...
  3. J

    the video is cool

    At 5'4 the thought of smacking someone is not somethig I recommend.You seem a little(no pund intended)upset.Did I stike a chord? You busted me, I don't really think you have alot of talent and potential,It was just a line I used to play into your predictable psyche.Why do you feel the driving...
  4. J

    the video is cool

    So I go straight for the throat with the name calling does it get under your skin.I suspect not.You on the other hand take the educated,savvy ,intellectual approach to putting someone down I'm sure that makes you feel innocent and mature at a higher level.The result is the same.So get off your...
  5. J

    the video is cool

    the more I read your posts the more I realise what a dork you are.I bet you have had a lot of failed relationships.Your always right everyone elses opinion is always wrong.I'm dumb and I'm nothing to you but you seem to spend a lot of time defending yourself.Thats a clear sign of many...
  6. J

    the video is cool

    I guess if you are stuck being an ugly fat kid with a band that sucks balls you might as well be smart.You look good on paper son but you you should get your ugly mug off your myspace
  7. J

    the video is cool

    Ok you win your funny and well written i'm sure your good people.Good luck with everything and take care man.
  8. J

    the video is cool

    A yo bra I should embrace your epic insight on what people should and should not say.But I will remain the way I am, so I will not comment on your band.But I would like to give you a tip, hold on to your real job.And take it easy on the junk food its not good for your health.
  9. J

    the video is cool

    Well I always like to support the underdog.I will never go on a bands message board and tell them they make bad choices.What if you went to a kat show and at the end Jonas said you guys were the worst crowd ever, you fucking sucked, have a good night and fuck off.Kat have given us a lot, they do...
  10. J

    the video is cool

    Who really gives a fuck about a music video whats the point in making them these days but whatever .This one from an artistic view is neat good locations, great colors,wierd stuff, its a piece of art.I hate to see you guys bust on the people who made it.They did a really good job.The video...
  11. J

    buy Mike an album thread

    non metal check out bella sonus album name is enamoured.Does anyone get into audrey horne, I can't stop listening to these guys.
  12. J

    watershed cover !

    No not that. Why do you always have to be such a fucking smart ass? People who have died for a few minutes then are brought back to life say that they saw a bright white light, then others who have died and were brought back claim to see evil haunting things.I bet this picture represents both...
  13. J

    watershed cover !

    Look between the guys shoulder blades you see the face? I bet there is a lot more to this cover then we can see on our computers.I think the painting is fucking sick, the colors,the shading,its bad ass great job.I just noticed another face its a profile on the left of the first face in the...
  14. J

    CD collection is getting stale........

    go to myspace and check out ETCHED IN RED you will find your new favorite band do it now.While your at myspace division by zero are worth a look, and newbreed, both are great polish prog metal bands.
  15. J

    Hey MR.Akerfeldt I have vinyl records

    So I checked out your band you guys suck balls are you serious with this shit don't quit your day job son peace