the video is cool

At 5'4 the thought of smacking someone is not somethig I recommend.You seem a little(no pund intended)upset.Did I stike a chord? You busted me, I don't really think you have alot of talent and potential,It was just a line I used to play into your predictable psyche.Why do you feel the driving desire to constantly deffend yourself? Remember, I am nothing.Look big guy just let this thing go and move on.Be honest with yourself and quit living in denial.Say are you the kid from little people big world?

at 5'4" I'm a dime among pennies. :)

I really had half a mind to diplomatically handle this as per my previous responses but now I'm just going to remind you that people who attempt to insult people based on looks and height need to go back to high school where they belong and get fucked.

now piss off. :kickass:
Just got back from a nice piss off ,thank you.Since you and I are really good friends now,I would like to send you a box of old clothes my seven year old son grew out of.Let me know where to send them.Are you having a bad day?Your strong use of profanity has surprisingly taken your usual exquisite writing to a child like level.I wanted to ask did your myspace help you find that true love you have been longing for? Your music career is not hopeless, thank ALLAH for DIO for helping to pave the way for people of your stature.
Just got back from a nice piss off ,thank you.Since you and I are really good friends now,I would like to send you a box of old clothes my seven year old son grew out of.Let me know where to send them.Are you having a bad day?Your strong use of profanity has surprisingly taken your usual exquisite writing to a child like level.I wanted to ask did your myspace help you find that true love you have been longing for? Your music career is not hopeless, thank ALLAH for DIO for helping to pave the way for people of your stature.

Unfortunately, once you piss off, you don't return, so you fail at your simple task.

I have a few students that could wear your son's clothing. Don't know what use I'd have for them.

"strong" use of profanity? That's not strong at all.

my Myspace didn't help me find love at all. I met my fiance at a party.

Nice pot shot at my religion. I guess I should be offended, or something like that.

So I'll ask you this: what does my height, looks, religion, marital status, job, or anything else you'd like to attempt to mock have to do with the original topic of this shit thread?

By the way, if you're trying to act smart I'd learn to type and proofread correctly before you post.

I'm also sure your son is proud of the example you're setting for him, what with going all 'personal' with an argument simply because I thought your initial post was a stupid pile of crap.

If you're running out of ideas for your next post, I'll give you my facebook page for ammo. I don't update that page either by the way.

Otherwise, if you're done with these childish and pointless attacks on my person, I'm sure the Katatonia community would appreciate it if you ended this thread. I'm done wasting my time on you, because you're simply not worth it.
I'm back I just wanted to say you are a damn good man.I hope you and your future wife have many years happiness.This whole thing is not my style.It may make you feel good about yourself but not me.Go ahead and take another shot but thats it for me.When I lay my head down at night I want to feel good about the way I treat people.